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Dies ist das kostenlose Material Data Center Datenblatt für CELCON® M90 - POM - Celanese

Material Data Center bietet Ihnen folgende Funktionalität für CELCON® M90 an:
Einheitenkonvertierung, PDF Datenblattdruck, direkter Vergleich mit anderen Kunststoffen, Schnapphakenberechnung, Biegebalkenberechnung, Kühlzeitberechnung, Parameter für Werkstoffmodelle, CAE Schnittstellen

Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über weitere Informationen, die Material Data Center zu Celcon bietet.

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Die Nutzung dieser Daten unterliegt unserer Haftungsausschlusserklärung.
Verarbeitungs-/Physikal. EigenschaftenWertEinheitPrüfnorm
ISO Daten
Schmelzevolumenrate, MVR 8 cm³/10min ISO 1133
Temperatur 190 °C -
Belastung 2.16 kg -
Verarbeitungsschwindung, parallel 2.0 % ISO 294-4, 2577
Verarbeitungsschwindung, senkrecht 1.9 % ISO 294-4, 2577
Dichte der Schmelze 1200 kg/m³ -
Wärmeleitfähigkeit der Schmelze 0.155 W/(m K) -
Spez. Wärmekapazität der Schmelze 2210 J/(kg K) -
Effektive Temperaturleitf. a-effektiv 4.85E-8 m²/s -
Ejection-Temperatur 140 °C -
Mechanische EigenschaftenWertEinheitPrüfnorm
ISO Daten
Zug-Modul 2760 MPa ISO 527
Streckspannung 65 MPa ISO 527
Streckdehnung 10 % ISO 527
Charpy-Schlagzähigkeit, +23°C 188 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
Charpy-Schlagzähigkeit, -30°C 181 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
Charpy-Kerbschlagzähigkeit, +23°C 6 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
Charpy-Kerbschlagzähigkeit, -30°C 6 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
Thermische EigenschaftenWertEinheitPrüfnorm
ISO Daten
Schmelztemperatur, 10°C/min 166 °C ISO 11357-1/-3
Formbeständigkeitstemperatur, 1.80 MPa 101 °C ISO 75-1/-2
Formbeständigkeitstemperatur, 0.45 MPa 158 °C ISO 75-1/-2
Längenausdehnungskoeffizient, parallel 120 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
Längenausdehnungskoeffizient, senkrecht 120 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
Elektrische EigenschaftenWertEinheitPrüfnorm
ISO Daten
Spezifischer Durchgangswiderstand 8E12 Ohm*m IEC 62631-3-1
Spezifischer Oberflächenwiderstand >1E15 Ohm IEC 62631-3-2
Andere EigenschaftenWertEinheitPrüfnorm
Wasseraufnahme 0.75 % Ähnlich ISO 62
Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme 0.2 % Ähnlich ISO 62
Dichte 1410 kg/m³ ISO 1183
Verarbeitungsempfehlungen SpritzgussWertEinheitPrüfnorm
Vortrocknung - Temperatur 80 °C -
Vortrocknung - Zeit 3 h -
Verarbeitungsfeuchte ≤0.35 % -
Massetemperatur 182 - 199 °C -
Werkzeugtemperatur 82 - 93 °C -
Spannung-Dehnung , CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Sekantenmodul-Dehnung , CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Spannung-Dehnung (isochron) 23°C, CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Kriechmodul-Zeit 23°C, CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Kriechkurve 23°C, CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Spannung-Dehnung (isochron) 40°C, CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Kriechmodul-Zeit 40°C, CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Kriechkurve 40°C, CELCON® M90, POM, Celanese
Spritzgießen, Folienextrusion, Profilextrusion, Plattenextrusion, übrige Extrusion, Blasformen, Kalandrieren
Regionale Verfügbarkeit
Nordamerika, Europa, Asien/Pazifik, Süd und Zentral-Amerika, Nahost/Afrika
Weitere Informationen
Drying is generally not required because Celcon® and Hostaform® acetal copolymers are not hydroscopic nor are they degraded by moisture during processing. Excessive moisture can lead to splay (silver streaking) in molded parts. For better uniformity in molding especially when using regrind or material that has been stored in containers open to the atmosphere, recommended drying conditions are 80 C (180 F) for 3hours. Desiccant hopper dryers are not required. Maximum water content = 0.35%
Standard reciprocating screw injection molding machines with a high compression screw (minimum 3:1 and preferably 4:1) and low back pressure (0.35 Mpa/50 PSI) are favored. Using a low compression screw (I.E. general purpose 2:1 compression ratio) can result in unmelted particles and poor melt homogeneity. Using a high back pressure to make up for a low compression ratio may lead to excessive shear heating and deterioration of the material.

Melt Temperature: Preferred range 182-199 C (360-390 F). Melt temperature should never exceed 230 C (450 F).

Mold Surface Temperature: Preferred range 82-93 C (180-200 F) especially with wall thickness less than 1.5 mm (0.060 in.). May require mold temperature as high as 120 C (250 F) to reproduce mold surface or to assure minimal molded in stress. Wall thickness greater than 3mm (1/8 in.) may use a cooler (65 C/150 F) mold surface temperature and wall thickness over 6mm (1/4 in.) may use a cold mold surface down to 25 C (80 F). In general, mold surface temperatures lower than 82 C (180 F) may hinder weld line formation and produce a hazy surface or a surface with flow lines, pits and other included defects that can hinder part performance.
Postprocessing conditioning and moisturizing are not required. It may be necessary to fixture large or complicated parts with varying wall thickness to prevent warpage while cooling to ambient temperature.
Drying is generally not required because Celcon materials are not hydroscopic nor are they degraded by moisture during processing. Excessive moisture can cause surface defects on the extruded film. For better uniformity especially when using regrind or material that has been stored in containers open to the atmosphere, recommended drying conditions are 3 Hrs. at 80 C (180 F). Desiccant hopper dryers are not required. Max. moisture content = 0.35%.
Standard extruders with a length to diameter ratio of at least 20:1 are recommended. The screw should be a high compression ratio of at least 3:1 and preferably 4:1 to assure good melting and melt homogeneity. The design should be approximately 35% each for feed and metering sections with the remaining 30% as the transition zone.

Melt temperature: 160-220 C (320-430 F)
Postprocessing conditioning or moisturizing is not required.
Übrige Extrusion
Drying is generally not required because Celcon materials are not hydroscopic nor are they degraded by moisture during processing. Excessive moisture can cause surface defects. For better uniformity especially when using regrind or material that has been stored in containers open to the atmosphere, recommended drying is 3 hours at 80 C (180 F). Desiccant hopper dryers are not required. Max. moisture content = 0.35%
Standard extruders with a length to diameter ratio of at least 20:1 are recommended. The screw should be a high compression ratio of at least 3:1 and preferably 4:1 to assure good melting and uniform melt homogeneity. The design should be approximately 35% each for the feed and metering sections with the remaining 30% as transition zone.

Melt temperature 180-220 C (355-430F)
Postprocessing conditioning or moisturizing are not required. For thick walled sections (>3mm or 1/8 in.), annealing is recommended to reduce internal stresses.

Annealing temperature: 130-140 C (265-285 F)

Annealing time: 10 min/mm thickness
Drying is generally not required because Celcon materials are not hydroscopic nor are they degraded by moisture during processing. Excessive moisture can cause surface defects on the extrusion. For better uniformity especially when using regrind or material that has been stored in containers open to the atmosphere, recommended drying conditions are 3 Hrs. at 80 C (180 F). Desiccant hopper dryers are not required. Max. moisture content = 0.035%.
Standard extruders with a length to diameter ratio of at least 20:1 are recommended. The screw should be a high compression ratio of at least 3:1 and preferably 4:1 to assure good melting and melt homogeneity. The design should be approximately 35% each for feed and metering sections with the remaining 30% as the transition zone.

Melt temperature: 180-220 C (360-430 F).
Postprocessing or moisturizing is not required. For thick walled extrusions (>3 mm or 1/8 in.), annealing is recommended to reduce internal stresses.

Annealing temperature: 130-140 C (265-285 F)
Annealing time: 10 min/mm thickness
Drying is generally not required because Celcon materials are not hydroscopic nor are they degraded by moisture during processing. Excessive moisture can lead to surface defects. For better uniformity in sheet extrusion especially when using regrind or material that has been stored in containers open to the atmosphere, recommended drying is 3 hours at 80 C (180 F). Desiccant hopper dryers are not required. Max. water content = 0.35%.
Standard extruders with a length to diameter ratio of at least 20:1 are recommended. The screw should be a high compression ratio (at least 3:1 and preferably 4:1) to assure good melting and uniform melt homogeneity. The screw design should be approximately 35% each for the feed and metering sections with the remaining 30% as the transition zone.

Melt temperature 180-190 C (355-375 F).
Postprocessing conditioning or moisturizing is not required. For thick walled sections (>3mm or 1/8 in.), annealing is recommended to reduce internal stresses.

Annealing temperature: 130-140 C (265-285 F)

Annealing time: 10 min/mm wall thickness
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Copyright Altair Engineering GmbH. Die Altair Engineering GmbH übernimmt keine Haftung für die Fehlerfreiheit dieser Informationen. Der Einsatz der Daten erfolgt in der alleinigen Verantwortung des Nutzers unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung der Altair Engineering GmbH; dies gilt insbesondere für Ansprüche auf Ersatz von Folgeschäden. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass jegliche Entscheidung über die Anwendung von Werkstoffen mit dem Produzenten des jeweiligen Materials abgesprochen werden muss. Dies bezieht sich auf alle Inhalte dieses Systems. Weiterhin sind die Hinweise zum Urheberrecht zu beachten.
Erstellt: Quelle: www.materialdatacenter.com

Material Data Center wird von M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH angeboten. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH übernimmt keinerlei Gewährleistung, dass das System fehlerfrei ist. Jegliche Entscheidung über die Anwendung von Werkstoffen muss mit dem jeweiligen Produzenten einzeln abgeklärt werden.

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