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This is the free Material Data Center Datasheet of K-Resin® KR03E - SB - INEOS Styrolution

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K-Resin® KR03E processes very well in injection molding, providing good cycle times and design flexibility. K-Resin® KR03E alone or in blends, can be extruded into sheet and thermoformed on conventional equipment at high output rates. The favorable economics of K-Resin® SBC, along with high productivity, have made possible tough clear disposable drinking cups, lids and other packaging applications. K-Resin® KR03E will process on most conventional equipment, allowing the molder to run a crystal clear bottle without expensive machine modifications, special molds, different screws, or dryers. K-Resin® KR03 can be blow molded in a broad range of sizes and shapes, from small pill bottles and medical drainage units, to very tall display bottles. It also can be injection blow molded into extremely high impact bottles with glass-like clarity.
Processing/Physical Characteristics単位テスト基準
ISO データ
メルトボリュームレイト, MVR 7.5 cm³/10min ISO 1133
温度 200 °C -
荷重 5 kg -
メルトフローレート, MFI 7.5 g/10min ISO 1133
温度 200 °C -
荷重 5 kg -
成形収縮率, 平行 0.7 % ISO 294-4, 2577
溶融時の密度 907 kg/m³ -
溶融時の熱伝導率 0.184 W/(m K) -
溶融時の比熱 2300 J/(kg K) -
突き出し時の時の温度 60 °C -
ISO データ
引張弾性率 1500 MPa ISO 527
降伏応力 25 MPa ISO 527
降伏ひずみ 2.2 % ISO 527
破壊呼びひずみ >50 % ISO 527
曲げ弾性率, 23°C 1400 MPa ISO 178
曲げ強さ 30 MPa ISO 178
シャルピー衝撃強さ, +23°C N kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
ノッチ付きシャルピー衝撃強さ, +23°C 2 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
ショア硬さD 63 - ISO 7619-1
ISO データ
荷重たわみ温度, 1.80 MPa 61 °C ISO 75-1/-2
荷重たわみ温度, 0.45 MPa 76 °C ISO 75-1/-2
ビカット軟化温度, A 88 °C ISO 306
ビカット軟化温度, B 60 °C ISO 306
ヘイズ 1.5 % ASTM D 1003
視感透過率 91 % ASTM D 1003
吸湿率 0.07 % Sim. to ISO 62
密度 1010 kg/m³ ISO 1183
Processing Recommendation Injection Molding単位テスト基準
Pre-drying - Temperature 50 °C -
Pre-drying - Time 3 - 4 h -
樹脂温度 180 - 240 °C -
金型温度 30 - 50 °C -
射出成形., シート押出成形., ブロー成形., 熱成形.
高耐衝撃及び耐衝撃改良., 透明.
Blending Resin, High Gloss, Copolymer
Food contact
IT/ビジネスマシーンズ, 医療の, パッケージング, おもちゃ
北アメリカ., ヨーロッパ., アジア/太平洋地域., 南・中央アメリカ., 近東/アフリカ
As a rule, the K-Resin® granules do not have to be pre-dried. However, in the event of unfavorable storage or transportation conditions involving severe temperature fluctuations, moisture can condense on the surface of the granules and this then has to be removed in a pre-drying step. The granules should be pre-dried in a dry-air dryer for 3 to 4 hours at a temperature of about 50°C.


Melt temperature, range: 180 - 240°C

Mold temperature, range: 30 - 50°C

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Material Data Center is provided by M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. Any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material.

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