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This is the free Material Data Center Datasheet of Makrolon® 6487 R30 CQ - PC - Covestro Deutschland AG

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Processing/Physical Characteristics単位テスト基準
ISO データ
メルトボリュームレイト, MVR 11 cm³/10min ISO 1133
温度 300 °C -
荷重 1.2 kg -
ISO データ
引張弾性率 2350 MPa ISO 527
降伏応力 67 MPa ISO 527
降伏ひずみ 6 % ISO 527
破壊呼びひずみ >50 % ISO 527
破壊応力 67 MPa ISO 527
破壊ひずみ 110 % ISO 527
シャルピー衝撃強さ, -30゚C N kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
ノッチ付きIzod衝撃強さ, +23°C 15[1] kJ/m² ISO 180/1A
パンクチャー衝撃-最大応力, +23゚C 5200 N ISO 6603-2
パンクチャー衝撃-最大応力, -30゚C 6100 N ISO 6603-2
パンクチャー衝撃エネルギー, +23゚C 50 J ISO 6603-2
パンクチャー衝撃エネルギー, -30゚C 50 J ISO 6603-2
1: 3 mm
ISO データ
荷重たわみ温度, 1.80 MPa 122 °C ISO 75-1/-2
荷重たわみ温度, 0.45 MPa 136 °C ISO 75-1/-2
ビカット軟化温度, B 141 °C ISO 306
1.5mm厚さでの燃焼性 V-0 class IEC 60695-11-10
試験片の厚さ 1.5 mm -
Yellow Card 可用 はい - -
厚さhでの燃焼性 V-0 class IEC 60695-11-10
試験片の厚さ 3.0 mm -
Yellow Card 可用 はい - -
グローワイヤ燃焼性指数 (GWFI) 960 °C IEC 60695-2-12
GWFI - 試験片の厚さ 1 mm -
グローワイヤ燃焼性指数 (GWFI) 960 °C IEC 60695-2-12
GWFI - 試験片の厚さ 3 mm -
Other Standards[S]
厚さhでの燃焼性 5V 5VA class Producer Method
試験片の厚さ 3.0 mm -
S: These properties are reported by the producer according standards that are different to our defaults.
ISO データ
比誘電率, 100Hz 3 - IEC 62631-2-1
比誘電率, 1MHz 3 - IEC 62631-2-1
誘電正接, 100Hz 7 E-4 IEC 62631-2-1
誘電正接, 1MHz 96 E-4 IEC 62631-2-1
体積抵抗率 9E16 Ohm*m IEC 62631-3-1
表面抵抗率 2E16 Ohm IEC 62631-3-2
耐トラッキング性 225 - IEC 60112
Recycled resin content 30 % -
ISO データ
射出成形, 樹脂温度 300 °C ISO 294
射出成形, 金型温度 80 °C ISO 294
射出成形, 射出速度 200 mm/s ISO 294
Processing Recommendation Injection Molding単位テスト基準
Pre-drying - Temperature 120 °C -
Pre-drying - Time 2 - 3 h -
Processing humidity ≤0.02 % -
樹脂温度 280 - 320 °C -
金型温度 80 - 120 °C -
Zone 1 250 - 260 °C -
Zone 2 270 - 280 °C -
Zone 3 280 - 290 °C -
Nozzle temperature 290 - 300 °C -
Back pressure 5 - 15 MPa -
難燃., 紫外線安定化., Opaque
Recycled Resin Content, Post-Consumer Recyclate
北アメリカ., ヨーロッパ., アジア/太平洋地域., 南・中央アメリカ., 近東/アフリカ
Copyright Altair Engineering GmbH. Altair Engineering GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. The user takes sole responsibility for the use of this data under the exclusion of every liability from Altair Engineering GmbH; this is especially valid for claims of compensation resulting from consequential damages. Altair explicitly points out that any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material. This includes all contents of this system. Copyright laws are applicable for the content of this system.
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Material Data Center is provided by M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. Any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material.

Additional information about this material, like producer contact address, etc. can be found at For access to this extra information a registration is requested. Free online registration is available.