柴油(优先使用F类ISO 1817液体) (90°C)

A meaningful evaluation of the resistance of any resin
against chemical reagents has to take the end-use
conditions into consideration.

The ratings listed here are based on our long-term
experience with the field performance of parts as well
as extensive lab testing.

For more Info please refer to the
linked dokuments or call our representatives.

这里给出的有关耐化学剂性的数据是人为的分级。分级或是借鉴了相关的有关耐性试验的国际准(ISO 175, ISO 11403-3, ISO 4599, ISO 4600, ISO 6252等),按重量和体积的变化及损伤的程度进行,或是来源于原材料制造商应用该材料的经验。由于每个部件在它整个的生命周期中所受的环境影响各自相异并且与具体应用方式很有关系,所以这里提供的数据只可作为参考。它不应取代自己的试验。为确认一种材料是否适合某种特殊的应用,用户一定必须在近似真实环境条件下自行试验,和/或与原材料制造商的技术人员联系