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HTP - ABS - HiTech Polymers, Inc
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... Automotive Body & Glass Systems GmbH, Plettenberg/Germany, drew on its longstanding experience of handling sheet-steel and plastic parts for sophisticated automotive solutions when initiating a joint research project with the mould-making shop of HTP Fohnsdorf GmbH, Fohnsdorf/Austria, in 1998. The objective was to work closely with the plastics institutes of Montanuniversität Leoben [2] with a view to further developing plastic-metal hybrid technology. Application areas were and are functional ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Industry-oriented Software Solution: Company-wide Networking of Injection Moulding Operations
Software Company-wide Networking of Injection Moulding Operations Industry-oriented Software Solution. In April 2001 HTP High Tech Plastics AG, located in Burgenland/Austria, made a decision to use the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software b2 from bäurer GmbH as a company-wide solution for its injection moulding operations. During the decision-making process, the quality of the software and the support from bäurer were decisive. HTP justifies its decision in favour of bäurer and b2wincar...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Multi-material Technology: Always One Step Ahead Thanks to Active R&D
...ogies and assembly moulding [1]. The improved product properties that can be obtained have resulted in a far-reaching generation change, and a renaissance for products that were once thought to have been superseded. Among the examples implemented by HTP AG are electrical equipment housings, in which the haptics are improved by means of damping inserts in the handle region, and a range of functionally integrated multi-material mouldings for applications in the automotive interior [2, 3]. The elim...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Submicron and Nano
...is makes for much easier handling and incorporation. Since 1999, Hi-Holding has been in possession of new grinding technology with which it is possible to obtain industrial quantities of products with a mean particle diameter of 0.5 µm (grade: HTP ultra5). A new manufacturer of extremely lamellar talcum grades (trade name: Microlite; manufacturer: Xilolite, São Paulo) has recently opened up in Brazil. Apart from good mechanical properties, these products have a very low coefficient ...
Kunststoffe international, 2016-10-17, The Efficient Route to Tailored Organo Sheets
...yclical heating and cooling of large thermal masses – steps which are very time-consuming, costly and energy intensive. Consequently, current research projects frequently use two-stage heating and cooling presses (so-called heat-transfer pressing (HTP)) or isochoric double-belt presses. In these approaches, the heating and cooling elements are maintained at constant temperatures and the material is transferred between the stations.In consolidation, it is important to select a process pressure wh...
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