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Lecture - PET - Kuraray
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... of machines makes egg cups from a plastics-wood composite (type: Fibrolon; manufacturer: FKuR). The Machine Supplier Becomes a ‧Production Companion Live exhibits, a diverse lecture series, and one-on-one meetings with experts – with “Engel live e-xperience” the Austrian system supplier pulled all the digital stops to transfer the charm of a real in-house exhibition into virtual space. The event went on web stage from 13 to 16 October 2020. The company was pleased to report a “four-digit numbe...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Colour Variation: Two Components, Four Colours, Five Units
...he multi-colour injection moulding of toothbrushes with a soft-touch surface. The premiere of this twin event was attended by 360 international guests from 19 countries and, one week later, by around 200 visitors from Germany. An introductory lecture on the fundamentals of multi-component technology provided the participants with a theoretical overview. After this, the visitors were able to view a total of seven different exhibition machines. A repeat of the Multi-component Days and the introduc...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Foam Injection Moulding: It's Not the Bubble Size that Counts
...s physikalischen Schäumens beim Spritzgießen. VDI-Seminar "Innovative Verfahren der Spritzgießtechnik", November 2004 3 Pahlke, S.: Qualität verbessern und Kosten senken durch physikalisches Schäumen beim Spritzgießen. Lecture, IKV, RWTH Aachen, 7. December 2004 The Authors DIPL.-ING. MICHAEL BUCHMANN, born in 1967, is an applications engineer at injection moulding machinery manufacturer Demag Plastics Group, Schwaig/Germany. DIPL.-ING. (FH) SUSANNE BUSCH, born in 1980, is a project eng...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Full House: Innovative Systems Prove an Attraction
...ted were centred on the overall topic of “Innovative Injection-Moulding Systems”, which is also the focus of our conference report. A parallel session looked into optical and transparent components. The Right Balance In his introductory lecture, Professor Rolf Mühlhaupt of the University of Freiburg reminded those present that only 4% of the mineral oil consumed worldwide is accounted for by plastics yet, at the same time, plastics save an energy equivalent of 8%. This is only one aspect, howev...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Innovation through New Processes
...itute for Plastics Processing (Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung or IKV) will take place from 22 to 24 March 2000 at the Eurogress conference centre in Aachen. The Institute will present its research results from the last two years in 16 lecture blocks. The main focal points will include microtechnology, PU processing, new injection moulding technologies, monitoring and simulation of extrusion processes, improved added value in blow moulding and thermoforming, the design and processing of fibr...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Micro and Nano Technology for Future Car Generations
...arget. They hope to find a new, cost-efficient and above all reliable solution for applications such as the so-called electronic packaging, the development of housings for electronic car components, sensors, and mechatronic components. In his lecture in Leipzig, Toshio Fukuda, the Japanese president of the nano technology committee for the eminent International Association for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), strongly emphasised the need to find new production and assembly technolog...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, News
...lete extrusion lines including the extruded part. The event will feature conferences, symposia, workshops and the “Extruma Campus”, a forum for universities and research institutes. Exhibitors can also use the Extruma lecture forum for presenting their own topics to a specialist audience. There will be no live presentations, however, since the size of the exhibition stands is limited to a maximum of 50m2 per exhibitor. In order to promote the participation of smaller companies, the stand sizes s...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Plastic/Plastic Hybrids: It Doesn’t Always Have to be Steel
...echnologie, Plastverarbeiter 51 (2000) 12, p. 46 5 Geiger, O.; Droste, A.; Wenzel, K.: Tailored und Advanced LFT. Neue Einsatzfelder für die LFT-D-ILC Technologie. Lokal verstärkte Bauteile aus technischen Thermoplasten, lecture. 5th International AVK-TV Conference Baden-Baden, September 2002 6 Steuer; U.; Seufert, M.: Das Hybrid-Frontend des Audi A6. VDI-Conference: Kunststoffe im Automobilbau, Mannheim,1998 7 Beringer, H.P.; Glaser, S.: Two in One, Hybridbauteile für neue Anwendungen im Fahrze...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polymer Electronics: From Polymer Transistor to Printed Electronics
...igenschaften. Zeitschrift für Chemie 12 (1972), pp. 41-52 3 Shirakawa. H.: The Discovery of Polyacetylene Film: The Dawning of an Era of Conducting Polymers. Angewandte Chemie 40 (14) 2001, pp. 2574-2580 (Nobel lecture) Heeger, A. J.: Semiconducting and Metallic Polymers: The Fourth Generation of Polymeric Materials. Angewandte Chemie 40 (14) 2001, pp. 2591-2611 (Nobel lecture) MacDiarmid, A. G.: Synthetic Metals: A Novel Route for Organic Polymers, Angewandte Chemie 40 (14) 2001, pp. 2581-2590 ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Synergy: mpm also Shows its Strengths in Extrusion Technology
...rstorff GmbH, Hanover/Germany – both of them part of the mannesmann plastics machinery Group (mpm) – staged a joint Extrusion Forum in Munich. Gerhard Gotzmann With the presentation of a large number of innovative exhibits and a high-calibre lecture program, the forum attracted around 1200 participants. It was also attended by thirty partner companies as co-exhibitors. Graziano Parisi, Managing Director of Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik GmbH, and Manfred Reichel, Managing Director of Bersto...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, World-scale Plant: Polybutene-1 Offers Growth Opportunity
...marked the 50th birthday of the discovery of polybutene-1, whose history began with the invention of polyolefin technology and the development of the all-important catalysts by Giulio Natta and Karl Ziegler. A highlight of the inauguration was a lecture delivered by Giorgio Mazzanti to mark the occasion. A member of Natta’s research group, Mazzanti was actually the one who discovered polybutene-1. Now 73 years old, he described the precise sequence of events leading from the first trial results ...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-01-09, PE-HD Compounds for Pipe Extrusion: Optimised Properties
...ulte, U.: Rohrleitungssysteme aus Kunststoffen – unbegrenzte Lebensdauer? Oldenburger Rohrleitungstage, 4th–5th Feb. 1999 9 Schulte, U.: HDPE pipes are more resistant to oxidation than the OIT indicates, lecture at plastics pipes XII, Baveno/Italy, April 2004 The Author Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Schulte, born 1948, is Head of Technical Service and Application Development, Business Unit Pipes, at Basell Polyolefine GmbH, Frankfurt am Main/Germany; ulrich.schulte@basell.com Title picture. The former Far...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-01-26, Interview: Worldwide Investment Boom
... all plastic compounds have been developed and tested in Coperion’s development plant. Licensing – an Early Indicator of Changes on the Market . The two introductory presentations looked at key aspects of the global polyolefin market. In his lecture entitled “A Licensor’s View of the Polyolefin Market”, Dr. Kaspar Evertz, who is in charge of licensing business at Basell, explained that licensing transactions provided an indication, right now, of where capacity would be created or expanded over...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-06-30, Extended Spectrum: High-Tech in Three Dimensions
...business is playing an increasingly important role for Krauss-Maffei. Orders from abroad were up EUR 22.5m on the year before. This puts the export ratio at 75.5% (first half 2004/2005: 74.3%). Strategic Focus on High-Tech. In his opening lecture, Dr. Otto Urbanek, Manager for Production and Technology at Krauss-Maffei, forecast that plastics machinery construction would have divided into two segments by 2010, namely into a high-tech segment and into a mass market. The strategic focus at Krauss-...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-08-31, PU Technology: Discovering New Possibilities
...erties, could pave the way for CSM parts to be used in applications currently dominated by UP resins and SMC. Future Prospects. Guest speaker, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Haberstroh from the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV), Aachen, held a lecture on the future prospects for polyurethanes and spray moulding technology from the researcher’s point of view. He stated that the CSM spray moulding process for PU was highly interesting in scientific terms too and additionally constituted an ideal sub...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-09-05, Viscosity Measurement: Material Characterisation in Powder Injection Moulding
...). 3 Bruhn, J.: Hard Metal Powder Injection Moulding – Process Development. Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 2002 4 Kukla, C. G.; Langecker, G. R.; Friesenbichler, W.; Djuretek, I.: Rheology of Feedstocks. Lecture held at the PIM conference, Orlando 2004. 5 Gornik, C.: Novel Method of Monitoring of Feedstock Quality. Proceedings of EuroPM (2005) 2. The Author: DIPL.-ING. CHRISTIAN GORNIK, born 1974, has been working in the field of application technology for Battenfeld Ku...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-09-26, Material Handling: Basis of Product Quality
...ng GmbH & Co. KG. 5 „Vorm Produzieren kommt Mischen und Dosieren“, Handout Mann+Hummel ProTec GmbH. 6 „Einflüsse sinnvoll gestalteter Materialaufbereitung auf Produktqualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit“, Lecture SKZ Würzburg, 14.01.1998. 7 Schöffler, K.: Auf die Dosis kommt es an. Plastverarbeiter 05/06, pp. 30-32. 8 „Absolut präzise und reproduzierbar“, Handout Mann+Hummel ProTec GmbH. 9 „Trockenlufttrocknung: Das Nonplusultra der Materialaufbereitung“, Handout Mann+Hummel ProTec GmbH. 10 Wieczor...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-07-18, Yesterday’s Surfaces for Tomorrow’s Applications
...can be transferred to plastic components. Andreas Stein On April 19th, some 130 visitors found their way to the town hall in Helmbrechts, Germany, to participate in the 3rd Technology Day organized by Kunststoff Helmbrechts AG (KH). Apart from lectures by experts, the guests were offered a tour through the production facilities of Foliotec GmbH, in Sparneck, Germany. A major part of the lectures (Fig. 1) dealt with topics from the automotive field – also the most important business area for KH...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Uniloy Launches Energy Initiative
...ever, it was objected that the energy consumed by homes and buildings is considerably greater than by industry. The savings effect there is much greater, which is what justifies such regulation. Energy Requirements and Savings Potential A lecture by Luca Bertolotti, Technical Manager, and Marco Solinas, Product Manager at Uniloy, defined energy requirements and gave a detailed presentation of energy saving measures. At the current price level for blow molded parts, the energy costs...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-02-17, Calculating Large Filter Surface Areas
...a conventional table calculation program that requires no special software. In addition, the calculations can be performed quickly and do not involve extensive additional programming. References 1. Seibel, S.: Werkzeuge der Kunststoffverarbeitung, Lecture notes 2006, KTP, University Paderborn 2. Tadmor, Z.; Gogos, C.: Principles of Polymer Processing, Wiley Publishers 1979 3. Michaeli, W.: Extrusionswerkzeuge für Kunststoffe und Kautschuk, Hanser Publishers, Munich 1991 The Authors Dipl.-Ing...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-05-10, Today’s Ideas – Tomorrow’s Technologies
... the motto "Today’s Ideas - Tomorrow’s Technologies". Many of the research results and recent developments presented are ready to be put into industrial practice. Ulla Köhne One highlight of the event was doubtless the plenary lecture "Medical technology – joint research with industry as a driving force for innovation (…and for saving lives)" held by Professor Walter Michaeli. In addition to the technical content, Professor Michaeli also stressed the significance of industria...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-05-10, Water Mist Shortens Cycle Times
...Hanser Verlag, Munich, Vienna 2006 2. Brandau, O.: Stretch Blow Moulding – A Hands-on Guide. PETplanet Publisher, Heidelberg 2003 3. Haberstroh, E.: Fügen und Umformen von Kunststoffen. Institute of Plastics Processing, RWTH Aachen University, Lecture script 2006 4. Michaeli, W., Brümmer, T.: Reduction of Cooling Time by Using Atomised Water in Blow Molding. Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC Technical Papers, Cincinnati, USA, 2007 5. Michaeli, W.: Wassernebelkühlung – Ein innovativer Ansatz z...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-07-15, With a Thud and a Bang – for Metal
...ts are also noted for their better reproduction of the mold cavity. Metal Solidifies Instantaneously after Injection Dr. Frank Czerwinski, Technology Manager for Metal Injection Molding at Husky, explained the way that the HyMET systems operate in a lecture on "Metal Molding Day". Extremely high-level acceleration of the screw ensures that injection velocities of up to 6 m/s are achieved, with filling times in the millisecond range. This is also necessary in view of the high thermal co...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-08-14, Chinaplas Growing with the Economy
...e eight new subject areas: machines and systems, extruders, Chinese machines and materials for export, dies and molds, accessories and test equipment, drink technology and plastic packaging, raw materials and chemicals, and semifinished products. Lecture series and discussion rounds each topped off with a plastics summit meeting formed the structure of the program. This year the China-US Plastics Industry Summit took place the day before the exhibition opened. Hosts of the meeting were the CPPIA...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-09-23, Withstanding the Heat
...re very narrow for distances between contacts, and this is why they cannot deal with length variations due to temperature fluctuations. Connectors for Cars and Household Appliances RTI as part of UL listing was one of the major subjects, too, in the lecture held by Dirk Pfaffenbach of Lumberg-Connect GmbH in Schalksmühle, Germany. He used connectors that are employed for cars as well as household appliances, to show which stages are important in material selection. Automotive manufacturer...
Kunststoffe international, 2009-11-19, Each Runner a Unique One
...ants registered for the event, with approximately two thirds of these coming from the fields of die and mold design and injection molding. The remaining guests were made up of machine builders, raw material producers and design engineers. Lectures from all the different sections of the process chain – from the raw materials producer through to the plastics converter – provided an overview of the focal topic of “Aesthetics & Design – Innovative Surface Technologies for Plastics Parts”. Solutions ...
Kunststoffe international, 2014-08-19, Do You Understand Simulation?
...s even more importantly, gain an overview of the latest developments in the field of making predictable forecasts, as well as about the effectiveness of the Solver for a wide range of different applications. A total of 22 theoretical and practical lecture topics (see the link in the info box) provided plenty of material for discussion and exchange of ideas over two days.The Art of "Calculated Inaccuracy"The eagerly awaited talks by Prof. Tucker, who had traveled specially from the USA, brought l...
Kunststoffe international, 2016-03-08, From Simple to Highly Complex
.../1318536German VersionRead the German version of the article in our magazine Kunststoffe or at www.kunststoffe.deThe Interviewee, with Frimo Group since 2006 and responsible for the PU systems engineering division, giving a lecture on mixing heads and metering technology for standard and special polyurethane applications (© Frimo)
Kunststoffe international, 2018-03-09, "You Have to Have Gasoline in Your Veins"
This March, far more than a thousand plastics processors, suppliers, and car makers will meet once again in Mannheim, Germany. Next to motor show, exhibitions, and lecture program, networking is tops at the PIAE conference. In this interview, new PIAE conference leader Thomas Drescher explains why this traditional meeting has been renamed, reveals this year’s highlights, and reports on group research at the Volkswagen AG. Some motorists simply call it the "plastic conference". For most of the ot...
Kunststoffe international, 2019-04-25, Putting 3D Printing to the Test
...o beyond the standard business model. Although the company did not want to completely detach itself from the "old world", it did want to offer digital services to complement existing spare parts sales. As emerged in the discussion after the lecture, this raises a question of genuine practical importance, namely as to how the quality of a printed part could be guaranteed if the data were given to the customer for him to manufacture the part on site.Open or Closed Systems?Attempts to produce small...
Kunststoffe international, 2020-02-12, A Varied Menu
...stry. We want our symposium to provide space for basic research and have therefore asked scientists from all over the world to present their projects and discuss them with other scientists and industrialists.” Live Research: From the Lecture Hall to the Pilot Plant At the colloquium, application-driven research is particularly prominent in the “IKV 360°” program item. In the afternoon of the first event day, the IKV will open its doors to the colloquium participants, presenting its research acti...
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