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G-PAEK - PEK - Gharda Plastics Limited
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Ultra high performance polymers such as polyaryletherketones (PAEK) are typically not thermoformable for thick gauge applications because of their semi-crystalline nature. Specially developed PEKK grades now allow processing in this method. These can be used to produce large semi-crystalline PAEK parts with large wall thickness exhibiting extreme mechanical, chemical and flame retardant properties. Polyaryletherketones (PAEK) are used in technically challenging industry sectors, e. g. aerospace...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Continuous Growth: Polyarylether Ketone (PAEK)
Trend Report: High Performance Plastics Polyarylether Ketone (PAEK) Continuous Growth. Continuous growth is being reported in the use of high-performance plastics from the PAEK family in all sectors of industry. The balanced and high-grade property profile of this material enables developers and designers to come up with innovative solutions and thereby respond to the constant call for cost reduction, functional optimisation, weight reduction, a longer service life and optimised safety and com...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Europe is the Largest Market: Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Special: World Market Polyaryletherketones (PAEK) Europe is the Largest Market. There is sustained growth in the use of high-performance plastics from the PAEK family in all sectors of industry. The balanced, high-quality property profile of these materials enables product developers and designers to achieve innovative solutions in response to the constant demand for cost saving, functional optimisation, weight reduction, longer service life and maximum safety and comfort. The world’s largest q...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Perspectives at the Start of a New Millennium
Perspectives at the Start of a New Millennium Delphi '98 and Plastics Kerstin Cuhls, Karlsruhe/Germany, and Anton Weber, Frankenthal/Germany A study of the future of plastics and their markets as viewed from applied-technology and social-science aspects. The Delphi '98 study of the global development of science and technology serves as a starting point for identifying promising areas. Although the name alludes to the Oracle of the Ancient Greeks, the methods involved have definit...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Polyaryletherketones (PAEK) Wolfgang Reimer and Ralf Weidig, Hofheim/Taunus, Germany Polyaryletherketones are among the most effective high-temperature thermoplastics. Consumption has almost doubled in the past five years. Applications can now be found in almost all industrial sectors, including medical technology. Polyaryletherketones (PEEK) has a continuous service temperature according to UL 746B of 260°C, a melting point of 340°C and a glass transition temperature of 143°C....
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Polyaryletherketones (PAEK) Wolfgang Reimer and Ralf Weidig, Hofheim/Germany Thanks to their versatility, PAEK high-performance polymers are finding use in many areas of industry. Developers and designers are exploiting their good balance of properties to create innovative solutions that meet the ongoing demand for cost reduction combined with optimised functions, weight reduction and extended product lifetimes. Most polyaryletherketones, in terms of volume, are currently produced by Victr...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-09-27, Heat Resistance: Miniature Electronic Components Produced from PEEK
Special Miniature Electronic Components Produced from PEEK Heat Resistance. As a result of the ban on lead-containing solders, processing conditions in the solder bath method have become far more extreme, pushing conventionally used materials to their performance limits. For this reason, the high-performance polymer PEEK, with its excellent thermal, electrical and mechanical properties, is being increasingly used for miniature electronic components. Steffen Germer The relentless miniaturisati...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Polyaryletherketones (PAEK) Increasing Demand (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Worldwide demand for PAEK continues to increase at an annual rate of approx. 15%. In addition to Victrex, the world’s largest producer of PAEK, two new suppliers, Degussa and Solvay, have appeared on the scene to develop additional applications. Wolfgang Reimer and Horst Sandner Back in 1981, British ICI launched two linear aromatic semi-crystalline thermoplastics, polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyetherketone (...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Polyaryletherketones (PAEKs)
Apioneer in PAEK highperformance polymers, Victrex was formed in 1993 through a management buy-out from ICI. ICI had already launched two lineararomatic thermoplastics – polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyetherketone (PEK) – in 1981. Victrex plc, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, today has production facilities in the UK and sales organizations in Europe, America, the Asia-Pacific region and Japan. Its range of over 40 products has become highly complex: various fill...
Kunststoffe international, 2010-09-24, Melt Flow in a Circular Distributor
Aspiral mandrel or a flat spiral die?” This was the question that had to be asked in 2006 when considering which type of extrusion die is the best to use for the manufacturing of small tubes, hoses, blown films and blow molded articles [1]. Today, it is clear that the systems that have become established are those in which the distribution of the melt (or the different melts in the case of multi-layer dies) takes place on a single plane – and not just for special applications. Circular distribut...
Kunststoffe international, 2011-10-17, Polyaryletherketone (PAEK)
Ever more often PEAKs (polyaryletherketones) prove themselves in application areas that demand a combination of properties at the highest levels of performance. This is particularly true where they must resist heat, pressure, aggressive chemicals and high levels of abrasion. Polyetheretherketones (PEEK) as a sub-group of PAEKs also offer excellent material properties with a large range of grades for individual solutions. Better than Before the Crisis The financial and economic crisis that left o...
Kunststoffe international, 2014-10-10, Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Polyaryletherketones with their best-known representative, PEEK, offer impressive performance and innovation potential. New areas of use in key markets are contributing to continuous growth. These include applications in sectors such as medical device and automotive industry. The aerospace industry and especially the oil and gas industry are also relying on this high-performance material. To meet todays individual and increasingly challenging requirements, the world’s leading PAEK supplier, Vic...
Kunststoffe international, 2016-10-17, Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Advanced PAEK materials, production processes or integrated offerings are opening the door to increased efficiency and new potential uses. Translated to application level, this means greater productivity, performance and reliability with cost efficiency for applications in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy and medical industries, typically replacing traditionally used metals. Over 80 % of materials in the polyaryletherketone (PAEK) family are polyetheretherketones (PEEK), the large...
Kunststoffe international, 2017-10-13, Polyetheretherketones (PEEK)
Many companies constantly need to make crucial decisions on materials. Are the outcomes they are looking to achieve being met by traditional metals, or should they investigate new high-performance materials? PEEK polymers are increasingly recognized as a dynamic driver for efficient applications. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), one of more than 300 members of the high-performance polyaryletherketone (PAEK) family, is located at the top of the polymer pyramid. Only a handful of these PAEK polymers ...
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