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P-Blend - PA+ABS, PC+ABS - Exipnos GmbH
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Compounding news at NPE included a wealth of new batch and continuous machines to mix in high loadings of wood flour, glass fiber, carbon black, and more exotic fillers. One new batch mixer can melt b...
Plastics Technology, 2004-03-31, Disposable Packaging Goes "Natural"
A compostable "natural" composite developed by EarthShell Corp. is likely to have a broad impact on disposable packaging markets, company sources say. At EarthShell"s inception in 1992,...
Plastics Technology, 2004-03-31, Disposable Packaging Goes 'Natural'
A compostable "natural" composite developed by EarthShell Corp. is likely to have a broad impact on disposable packaging markets, company sources say. At EarthShell's inception in 1992, it e...
Kunststoffe international, Diverse Shapes and Applications
Styrenics can be polymerized using different technologies and it can be modified with a range of copolymers. The resulting plastics offer a wide range of properties allowing to customize them for different applications. ‧Because of this range of properties they are suitable for many industries. Strong demand is for example driven by the automotive industry, healthcare and the packaging industry. Styrenic polymers are amongst the economically most important plastics. They combine benign processin...
Kunststoffe international, From the Sea to Electronics
Plastic waste in the sea has been shaping the negative image of the industry for several years. Various ‧initiatives and mergers of companies have therefore launched projects to tackle this Ocean-bound Plastics (OBP). Components made of OBP could become a symbol for a sustainable use of plastics. For many demanding applications, however, such recyclates must also have the necessary flame retardant properties. A recycling project in Haiti shows how these properties can be achieved. According to c...
Kunststoffe international, Present in a Multitude of Trends
Lightweight construction, functionality and design are characteristic of material development in all areas of ‧application for PC compounds, composites and films. The range of materials has enormous opportunities when it comes to the mobility of the future, lightweight structural construction with continuous fiber-reinforced composites, 5G technology and medical technology. During the course of 2018, the high demand for polycarbonate (PC) had already slowed down considerably in comparison with ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, A Comparison of Temperature Control Systems: Optimum Thermal Design of Injection Moulds
Special Optimum Thermal Design of Injection Moulds A Comparison of Temperature Control Systems. Optimum ther-mal design of moulds is an important prerequisite for economic manufacture of high-quality injection moulded parts. The engineers responsible for part and mould design need to strike a compromise between the level of the mould costs and the cycle time reduction that can be achieved. A major German supplier to the infocom indus-try has conducted research into current technology. Carsten B...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Ageing Test: Assessing Ageing Quantitatively
Composite Materials Assessing Ageing Quantitatively Ageing Test. The demands made on the ageing properties of a plastic will depend very much on the particular application. In military applications, components may have to continue functioning reliably even after several decades. Consequently, it will frequently be necessary to examine the ageing behaviour of a material very closely. Because, in most cases, it is almost impossible to predict or individually research natural ageing conditions, any...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Automated Injection Moulding and Welding of Bumpers
Automated Injection Moulding and Welding of Bumpers Jointed-arm-Robots in Action Otto Leiritz and Hergen Görse, Pappenheim/Germany In fully automated bumper production, a jointed-arm-robot takes care of all handling tasks. Its wide operating area and high positional accuracy have made it possible to integrate into the automation system a welding operation that was originally separate. In preparing for serial production of the rear bumper for the new DaimlerChrysler E-class at their Pappe...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Automotive Conference: Lightweight Construction as Magic Phrase
Automotive Magic Phrase: Lightweight Construction Automotive Conference. The automobile is more than ever the number 1 technology driver for plastics. This was also confirmed by the experts at this year’s VDI-K “Plastics in Automotive Construction” held in Mannheim. Foremost among the forward-looking topics covered in their papers were lightweight construction and process stability. Wolfgang Kircher The history of plastics in the automobile is as old as the automobile itself. It began with in...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Back to Nature
Back to Nature Trends in Development and Markets of Biodegradable Materials Harald Käb, Berlin/Germany Products made from biodegradable materials (BMs) are slowly but surely gaining a foothold in the market. While packaging made from BMs can already be found on the shelves of major supermarket chains in England, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland, in Germany they are still awaiting the results of a pilot project on biodegradable packaging. These new polymers are also establishing thems...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Behind Bars
Behind Bars Engineering Plastics for MercedesC-Class Door Locks Reinhold Platz, Joachim Flöck and Detlev Danilow, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Two materials based on polyester and a polyacetal ensure perfect function of the side door locks in the new MercedesC class (W203). In order to fulfil the complex requirements, extensive FEM and moldflow computations as well as frequency analyses were made. The result is that engineering plastics offer maximum security and comfort. In accordance with t...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Biodegradable Film: For the Sake of the Environment
Packaging For the Sake of the Environment Biodegradable Film. Renewable raw materials are of particular interest for the production of biodegradable plastics if the property profile of conventional plastics can be properly simulated. Films of polylactide copolyester blends and cellulose blends are able to meet this challenge. Initial successes are also becoming apparent in the development of biodegradable self-adhesive tape. During the oil crisis at the beginning of the 1970s, growing environ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Biodegradable Products: Nature-Compounds
Biodegradable Products: Nature-Compounds Biodegradable plastics can replace conventional plastic products in short-lived applications such as fast-food packaging. Novel materials that have been optimised for extrusion and injection moulding meet practical requirements for ease of processing and functionality. Biodegradable plastics that are made from renewable raw materials and can be thrown into organic-waste bins are a “natural” way of conserving resources and cutting costs. They are parti...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Blown Film Extrusion Today
Blown Film Extrusion Today Versatility and Flexibility are Required Jens Spirgatis and Johannes Wortberg, Essen/Germany Because of the increasing demands being imposed on film products, e. g. in the area of food packaging, a continuing trend towards coextruded film is evident. In addition, the market requires high production flexibility on the part of film manufacturers. As a result of this, new requirements have arisen in relation to plant technology, to which the machinery manufacturers ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Boost for the Economy: Becoming More Competitive through Co-operation
Market and Management Becoming More Competitive through Co-operation Werner Pamminger Boost for the Economy. In April 1999, in Upper Austria, the Kunststoff-Cluster (KC – Plastics Cluster) was founded as part of a promotional program for the plastics industry. It was intended to strengthen the innovativeness of plastics companies, especially through co-operative networking. Methods developed in the PC make it easier to create a basis for successful co-operation. Based on the pioneering achi...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Characteristics and Costs in Equilibrium
Characteristics and Costs in Equilibrium Measurement of the degree of gelation of PVC window profiles Heino Klingenfuß and Anton Zahn, Würzburg/Germany Using Oscillating Dynamic Differential Thermal Analysis (ODSC) the degree of gelation can be measured anywhere on a window profile. Using the results PVC formulations and their processing as well as the design of extrusion dies can be improved. A lifetime of more than 50 years is expected from a plastic window made of PVC-HI. The mechanic...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Close Cooperation Ensures Success
Close Cooperation Ensures Success Technology Management in the Plastics Industry Christian Bonten, Essen/Germany Plastics are being increasingly used in highly demanding segments that would have been unimaginable a few years ago. The main reason for this increase is that, in most cases, plastic products are able best of all to satisfy the many different wishes of the customers - even as far as the price is concerned. K 2001 will demonstrate once again that good technology management by the...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Colourmatch-capable Film Technology: A Technology Waits in the Wings
Exterior Parts A Technology Waits in the Wings Colourmatch-capable Film Technology. With this process, in contrast to previous ones, the surface is decorated in the vehicle body colour before the component is manufactured. After thermoforming and backmoulding with an LGF-reinforced thermoplastic, we end up with a finished part for the outer skin having a Class A surface. Daniel Zulkarnain Ulf Schlotterbeck Henning Gleich Thermoplastics cannot be coated online by conventional painting proce...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Colours in Light
Colours in Light Aliphatic TPU for Lightfast Car Parts Jürgen Hättig, Wolfgang Drube, Leverkusen/Germany, and Wolfgang Kaufhold, Dormagen/Germany A new thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (TPU) based on aliphatic isocyanates is more lightfast than conventional aromatic TPUs and allows the production of light-coloured parts. It opens up possibilities for high-quality, aesthetic automotive design. Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) has been used in automotive engineering for many years for ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Commercially Highly Attractive
Commercially Highly Attractive Changes in the Corporate Landscape of Technical Plastics Klaus Kohlhepp, Frankfurt/Main, Germany Manufacturers of technical plastics are exposed to increasing change pressure due to their dependence on the globally aligned automobile industry and the electrotechnology/electronics sector. The resulting processes cause a significant change in the corporate landscape that is at present not yet final according to the opinion of many market participants. Compare...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Compounds and Blends Made to Measure
Compounds and Blends Made to Measure Made to Measure Materials through Compounding and Blending Philipp Werner, Kurt Napientek, Hamburg/Germany Luvocom products with tailored material solutions based on modification of high tech plastics from Lehmann & Voss & Co. have been established on the market for 18 years. Thorough know-how in the field of high-performance polymer blends has extended the available range of material parameters. Thus in addition to using classical compounding with addi...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Consumption Stabilises: Low-density Polyethylene (PE-LD/LLD)
Trend Report: Commodity Plastics Low-density Polyethylene (PE-LD/LLD) Consumption Stabilises. The methods used for the processing of low-density polyethylene have been well-established for many years and can be described as fully developed. Coextrusion processes have continued to gain importance for the manufacture of blown and flat film. This is an ideal way to combine the properties of different PE products. Total Western European PE-LD/LLD consumption grew in the period from 2001 to 2004 by ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Continued Strong Growth: PET in Beverage Packaging
Trend Report: Engineering Plastics PET in Beverage Packaging Continued Strong Growth. The raw material of PET has undergone a change. Modified product grades now permit even faster injection moulding cycles and higher cycling rates in bottle production. In addition, the grade of PET (in combination with different barrier materials) and the bottle design have been aligned to the bottled product. Kajetan Müller Frank Welle Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is continuing to show high growth in th...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Convertible Top Systems: Convertible Top – Lightweight and Made Easy
Convertibles Convertible Top – Lightweight and Made Easy Convertible Top Systems. Innovative and economic solutions can be developed by using plastics for convertible tops and associated systems. Particular advantages are in possible function integration and weight minimisation. In the article some exemplary applications are described. Thomas Lemckau Oliver Moritz The quantities of convertible vehicles produced can vary from 20000 to 200000 units depending on vehicle class with running times bet...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Cost-effective Modifier for Tailor-made Properties
Cost-effective Modifier for Tailor-made Properties Karlheinz Hausmann, Geneva/Switzerland, Bernard Rioux, Paris/France, and Manfred Schinken, Bad Homburg/Germany A new family of ethylene-acrylate copolymers is suitable for improving the impact strength of engineering plastics and as a universal carrier material for masterbatches. The new grades, produced in a tubular reactor, are economical to use and offer high functional efficiency, a combination welcomed by compounders and processors alik...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Custom-tailored Engineering Materials: Polyphenylene Ether (PPE)
Trend Report: Engineering Plastics> Polyphenylene Ether (PPE) Custom-tailored Engineering Materials. Modifications with various engineering resins and reinforcements as well as additives permit polyphenylene ether to be employed as an engineering material for any required application. Even elastic products can be produced in this way and have recently become available for use as wire and cable insulation. Edward N. Peters Mukund Parthasarathy The amorphous thermoplastic poly-2,6-dimethylphenyl...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Cycloolefin Copolymer (COC): Appearance Counts
Special Appearance Counts Cycloolefin Copolymer (COC). Not only marketing and packaging experts but also designers and product developers all place high requirements on materials. When it comes to transparency, COC – cycloolefin copolymer – fulfils stringent requirements for medical applications, food and drugs packaging, optical parts or films, and toner binder. Bernd Sparenberg Compared with the majority of polyolefins, which have only similar monomers lined up next to each other, cycloolefin...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Details of Economic Development: High-density Polyethylene (PE-HD)
Trend Report: Commodity Plastics High-density Polyethylene (PE-HD) Details of Economic Development. The development of the key applications for PE-HD, such as pipes, tapes, hollow articles and packaging, has shown little change in the last few years. Western Europe's share of global PE-HD capacities has decreased as a result of investments in the growth markets of Asia and Eastern Europe. In the period between 2001 and 2004, PE-HD consumption in Western Europe went up by 3.3% to 5.2 millio...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Development and Trends: Plastics – a Mature Industry?
Market and Management Plastics – a Mature Industry? Development and Trends. Plastics are predicted to show continued growth and innovation. Experts envisage that, in future, this will be driven not by new polymers, but by the custom design of supramolecular structures and integrated solutions within the plastics supply chain. Franz Brandstetter The plastics world is currently characterised by falling margins, globally standardised production technologies and growing capacity surpluses. The domi...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Dimensional Stability and Impact Strength
Dimensional Stability and Impact Strength (PC+ASA) Blends for Automotive Body Panels Martin Weber, Heiner Görrissen and Reinhard Jakobi, Ludwigshafen/Germany Blends based on polycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylic ester (ASA) are noted for their good weatherability and processing stability. A new product with improved flowability and toughness has been developed for the field of automotive body panels. Applications in the field of automotive body panels (title photo) constit...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Driving the Automotive Industry: Engineering Elastomers
Trend Report Crosslinking Plastics Engineering Elastomers Driving the Automotive Industry. Within the elastomer-manufacturing industry, there is increasing concentration and focus on product groups. Regardless of this, the trend towards relocating production of standard products within the expanded European Union continues to advance. In the future, China and India will also increasingly emerge both as markets and production locations for engineering elastomer products. Werner P. Lauhus The Eu...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Dynamic Frictional Data
Dynamic Frictional Data New Findings for Describing the Processes in the Extruder Feed Zone Walter Michaeli, Jochen Hennes and Stefan Quadflieg, Aachen/Germany A special test apparatus allows pressure coefficients and coefficients of friction of plastics pellet stock to be measured for the first time in a dynamic state. The results obtained are relevant for practical purposes, since the pellet stock is in motion in the feed zone of extruders. New findings on the frictional properties of bu...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Ecoefficiency: Plastics in Politics and Practice
Ecoefficiency: Plastics in Politics and Practice The market for products made of biologically degradable materials is still at the beginning of its development. Market mechanisms and basic legal conditions will solely determine whether this new group of materials is penetrating the market. Ingo Sartorius Innovative new developments and advances are the basis for stabilisation and preservation of the competitiveness of European industry. They make i.a. relevant contributions to environmenta...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Economic PVC Pelletisation
Economic PVC Pelletisation Quality of the Pellet Stock is the Decisive Factor in Downstream Processing Operations Detlef Kühlborn, Munich/Germany Economic production of PVC pellets requires an optimised plant concept. Processors demand reliable production reproducibility and place importance on processing the widest spectrum of materials with maximum quality. This can be achieved with carefully matched processing units, allowing full control over the process. PVC pellets are easier to store and ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Elastomers
Elastomers Economic Situation and Observed Trends Werner P. Lauhus, Münster/Germany World consumption of synthetic rubber is expected to grow at +2.9% per year by 2005. Of this, China expects to see the biggest growth at +8.4%. In 2000, the synthetic rubbers with most growth in demand were EPDMs, owing to the increased consumption of technical rubber goods, and butadiene rubber, because of increased use in tyre applications. Germany is one of the world’s biggest technology motors in the ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Electrically Conducting Compounds: New Functional Material for the Automotive Sector
Automotive - Functional Materials New Functional Material for the Automotive Sector Electrically Conducting Compounds. Electrically conducting components used in the automotive sector, are generally made in complicated multi-stage processes. An alternative is offered by a new material in which a low-melting alloy is incorporated along with copper fibres into a thermoplastic matrix. Electrically and thermally conducting components are becoming more important in the automotive sector. Electrica...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Escalators Made of Plastics
Escalators Made of Plastics Specially-Tailored Polymer Blend Conquers this Aluminum Domain Eckhard Erlenkämper, Leverkusen/Germany, Horst Beicher, Krefeld/Germany, and Andreas Lange, Bad Salzuflen/Germany Ever since the end of the Sixties, escalator steps have been made of aluminum by pressure die-casting. All attempts to produce the steps in plastic to date have failed on account of the stringent requirements imposed on the dimensional stability of the component and hence on the material ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Exhibition Preview: North American and Canadian Products at K 2004
USA-Special North American and Canadian Products at K 2004 Exhibition Preview. In Düsseldorf, more than 140 U.S. American and Canadian Companies will present their innovations for the first time to an European specialist audience. The editors of the magazine Plastics Technology have assembled a selection of the most important developments. With this thematically structured preliminary report you can effectively prepare your visit at the K show. Injection Moulding News from includes all-electr...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Expansion Injection Moulding: Amazingly Thin
Injection Moulding Amazingly Thin Expansion Injection Moulding. According to the state of the art, thin-wall injection moulding requires the injection unit to be supported by a hydraulic accumulator. But without a hydraulic accumulator greater precision is achieved in the process technology, energy consumption is lower and amazingly thin walls can be produced. The new state of the art is called "X-Melt", the expansion injection moulding process developed by Engel. It is all made possibl...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Exterior Vehicle Body Parts: Films instead of Painting?
Exterior Vehicle Body Parts: Films instead of Painting? The trend towards flexibilisation and modularisation in automotive engineering is increasing. There is a demand, particularly in the exterior body parts sector, for surface and material technologies that are economic yet also produce attractive finishes. The BASF Group offers a complete range of products (ASA, ABS and SAN films) and services for the challenging new concepts in vehicle body manufacture. Achim Grefenstein, Kaan Kaymak T...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Flame Retardants
Flame Retardants Trends and Innovations Jürgen Troitzsch, Wiesbaden/Germany More stringent international fire protection requirements in the construction sector as well as in rail transport, automotive engineering and the electrical industry, coupled with a rise in plastics consumption, are making for sound growth in the flame retardant sector. New flame retardant systems are facilitating plastics processing, and the trend towards halogen-free systems is continuing unabated. Contrary to ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Flame Retardants: Growing Demand
Additives Growing Demand Flame Retardants. Increasing internationalisation and more stringent fire-protection requirements are opening up promising markets for flame retardants and flame-retardant plastics. Halogen-free products will benefit in the electrical sector thanks to the forthcoming introduction of the EC Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The trade fair K2004 served as an indicator of the general growth in demand for plastics and the increasing use of flame-reta...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Flexible and Inexpensive
Flexible and Inexpensive Inline Blending with Long Glass Fibre PP Concentrate Manfred Bär, Raamsdonksveer/Netherlands, Peter Egger, Schwertberg/Austria and Robert Tesar, Tamworth/Great Britain Granules in long glass-fibre reinforced PP (PP-LGF) have been widely used for many years. They can replace GMT, other engineering thermoplastics such as glass fibre reinforced PA or PBT, and even metals. Market demand has so far been primarily for PP with a glass fibre content of 40% or higher. PP c...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, For All Eventualities
For All Eventualities Lubricants for Engineering Plastics Eric Richter, Gersthofen/Germany Lubricants can improve the processing properties of engineering plastics exposed to high thermal stressing during processing in many different ways. They frequently act as problem-solvers in respect of flow and demoulding behaviour, as well as with regard to dispersion and nucleation. Engineering thermoplastics have been used as key structural materials for many years now. Accounting for approximat...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, General-purpose Plastics: Appearance Ever More Important
Trade Fair Report Appearance Ever More Important General-purpose Plastics. Aesthetics could well have been the motto for general-purpose plastics at K 2004. Whether it is a matter of greater transparency and surface gloss for more attractive packaging or flawlessness and improved scratch resistance for automotive parts – appearance would seem to be assuming ever greater importance at present. Alongside this, progress in mechanical and processing properties has not been forgotten either. The p...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Growth Through Innovations and E-Commerce
Growth Through Innovations and E-Commerce GE Plastics Expands its Product Portfolio and Service Offerings At the inauguration of the new Customer Innovation Centre at GE Plastics' European headquarters in Bergen op Zoom/Netherlands at the start of June, the company presented its latest product innovations together with its e-commerce and service activities. These areas are intended to secure the company's future growth. In 1999, GE Plastics achieved global sales of US$ 7 billion, w...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, High Barrier: Nanoscalar Particles Enlarge Potential Applications
High Barrier: Nanoscalar Particles Enlarge Potential Applications Nanocomposites featuring nanoscalar inorganic fillers incorporated into the base polymer have superior mechanical properties and act as a better barrier towards organic media and gases than unfilled PE-HD. Daniela Tomova, Stefan Reinemann Fillers in the form of nanoscalar layer silicates can substantially extend the property profile of plastics, provided that they have a nanodisperse distribution. The reason for this lies in...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, High Growth Rates: Polycarbonate (PC)
Special: World Market Polycarbonate (PC) High Growth Rates. With an annual growth of between 8 and 9%, polycarbonate (PC) has been one of the 'outperformers' among the engineering plastics in the last few years. The latter have been growing by an average of about 6% p.a. worldwide. Demand for PC will continue to rise at an above-average rate especially in the Far East, which is why manufacturers are currently focusing their investment activities on that region. PC blends will play a bi...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, High-Modulus Polyamides
High-Modulus Polyamides Val A. Kagan, Morristown, NJ/USA High-modulus polyamides with high fibre-glass reinforcement are on the way to replacing polymers that can sustain high mechanical loads, such as polyarylamide, polyphenylene sulphide and polyphthalamide. Not only do they have comparable long-term properties, but they are also cheaper and easier to process. In practical applications, most fibre-glass reinforced PA-6 polymers contain up to 33 wt. % glass fibre. The maximum content is a...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Impressive Variety: Polysulfones (PSU, PESU, PPSU)
Trend Report High Performance Plastics Polysulfones (PSU, PESU, PPSU) Impressive Variety. With exceptional material properties and the benefit of transparency, sulfone polymers span the range from function to aesthetics. This allows them to continually find new fields of application and assures attractive growth rates in the global competition among thermoplastics. Stefan Göttgens Wolf Sanner High-temperature (HT) plastics are enjoying continually growing popularity worldwide. In this regard...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Improved Efficiency and Quality
Improved Efficiency and Quality Trends in PVC Profile and Pipe Extrusion Hans-Peter Schneider, Munich/Germany Pressure to reduce costs while increasing product quality is driving the process of continuous innovation, and thereby forming the basis for new investment decisions. For machine manufacturers, this means a continuing trend towards ever better efficiency of production technology, and represents a permanent challenge. An important factor in the economy of an extrusion line is output perfo...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Influencing Product Properties: Additive Masterbatches for Foam Film
Additives Additive Masterbatches for Foam Film Influencing Product Properties. In addition to the polymer selected and the system configuration, additives have a significant effect on the quality of the final product. In order to be an easy-to-meter masterbatch, the entire system comprising carrier, fillers and processing aids must be carefully formulated to assure an optimum end product that has no undesirable interactions. Jan-Erik Wegner Foam films find application not only in simple applica...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Injection Moulding Compounders: IMC Technology Opens Up New Fields of Application
Special IMC Technology Opens Up New Fields of Application Injection Moulding Compounders. The combination of injection moulding with continuous plastification offers processing advantages – particularly where it is important to achieve high throughputs, to manufacture products with high filler contents or to solve complex plastification and compounding problems. As a result, injection moulding compounders are venturing more and more into new application fields. Matthias Sieverding Erwin Bürkle...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Innovative Solutions from VDI-K: Outside and Under the Bonnet
VDI-K Outside and Under the Bonnet Innovative Solutions from VDI-K. The VDI-K “Plastics in Automotive Construction” congress held in Mannheim/Germany is the forum for automotive engineers seeking to learn more about plastics innovations that have proved themselves in initial series applications. The following report from this year's congress deals with applications in bodywork and the engine compartment. Wolfgang Kircher The widely known advantages of plastics, such as weight savings, func...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, IP Support: Lightweight Automotive Instrument Panel Carriers
IP Support: Lightweight Automotive Instrument Panel Carriers They are lightweight and cost-efficient and yet meet the high requirements of the automotive industry. With the development of a new generation of glass-fibre-reinforced PC+ABS blends, the manufacturer has succeeded in adding good PU foam adhesion to the typical properties of these blends, such as good toughness, rigidity and flowability. Uwe Koch-Reuss, Tom Schenkels, Dagmar van Heur Increasingly high demands are being made on t...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, It All Depends on the Blend
It All Depends on the Blend Reducing the Impact Sensitivity of Fibre Composites Andreas Kessler and Andrzej K. Bledzki, Kassel/Germany, Horst Frenzel, Dresden/Germany Fibre composites are used as lightweight materials in a wide number of applications. However, a drawback to the use of such materials is their susceptibility to damage under impact perpendicular to the laminate surface. Great importance is therefore attached to the development of laminates with a low tendency to delaminate. ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Lignin - Tailor-made
Lignin - Tailor-made Use as Non-toxic Biostabiliser Hansjörg Nitz, Hinnerk Semke and Rolf Mülhaupt, Freiburg/Germany and Alfred Abächerli, Lausanne/Switzerland Besides their use as a filler, lignins in the form of low- to higher-molecular-weight, meltable, soluble products can be specially tailored for plastics and rubber compounding. Lignins are suitable for use as non-toxic biostabilisers to prevent attack from microorganisms and extend the service life of biodegradable materials. For ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Low-Density Polyethylene (PE-LD, PE-LLD)
Low-Density Polyethylene (PE-LD, PE-LLD) Gerd Beer, Christof Justus, Rainer Mantel, Wolfgang F. Müller, Heinz Vogt and Michael Vogt This article describes the development of consumption and applications of PE-LD and PE-LLD in various industries. Market Growth From 1998 to 2001, low-density polyethylene showed an average growth in consumption of 2.0% p.a. in Western Europe. The two PE product classes contributed differently to the overall growth (Fig.1). While PE-LD declined slightly (by 0...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Many Variations
Many Variations The Biaxial Orientation of Expanded Films Martin Wolf, Johannes Sänze and Klaus Stopperka, Siegsdorf/Germany The importance of industrial films is increasing. For holographic and semi-permeable films, foamed films, synthetic papers and blend formulations, growth rates of 15 % and more are forecast. It has now become possible for the first time, using a new process, to biaxially orientate expanded films with functional layers. Biaxially oriented films that can be produced ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Market News
Henschel Mixers for China Henschel has reason for celebration: the company will deliver 26 combination mixers for the production of PVC dry blend to Dalian Shide Group of China, one of the largest producers of PVC window and door profiles. This is the largest order for mixers that Henschel Industrietechnik GmbH of Kassel/Germany has ever received. Each combination mixer has a mixing capacity of 20,000 t/a delivered during 7,200 operating hours per year. Combination mixers consist of an FM 1000 f...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Material Supply: More Efficient Drying
Material Supply: More Efficient Drying Infrared and vacuum drying are additional technologies now finding application in plastics processing to reduce residence times and/or energy consumption. However, great efforts have also been made in recent years to improve the efficiency of conventional dehumidified-air drying. Johannes Wortberg, Thorsten Schroer For many processors, drying the material is a necessary evil, which is particularly required in processing engineering plastics in order t...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Materials with Multiple Functions
Materials with Multiple Functions Plastics in Telecommunication and Information Technology Gerhard Gotzmann, Vierkirchen/Germany The importance of polymeric materials in telecommunication and information technology continues to increase. Although originally not conceived as conductive materials they currently fulfil functions as electrical conductors and semiconductors as well as light emitters. Based on this characteristic potential, new electronic components like organic light emitting d...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Metering Technology: Precision for Highly Filled Formulations
Extrusion Precision for Highly Filled Formulations Metering Technology. Sewer pipes can be produced economically with highly filled PVC formulations. Processing of these formulations requires special machinery designs in order to ensure optimum feeding and plasticising of the material. A machine combination comprising a vertical metering unit and a dynamic mixer assures that every highly filled PVC formulation is metered into the extruder precisely and consistently, so that the screw flights ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Microinjection Moulding: Plastification Units for Minimum Shot Weights
Injection Moulding Plastification Units for Minimum Shot Weights Gábor Jüttner Microinjection Moulding. Microinjection moulding involves the plastification of minimum amounts of polymer material and its subsequent high-precision injection into the mould cavity. This process pushes screw plastification to its limits. As part of a machine study, the Kunststoff-Zentrum of Leipzig/Germany (KuZ) developed a prototype which operates both as a single-step plunger injection moulding machine and as a pl...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Mixing and processing: PVC Dry Blends for Pharmaceutical Film
Mixing and processing: PVC Dry Blends for Pharmaceutical Film When ac-Folien decided to triple its production capacity for PVC-based pharmaceutical film, expansion and modernisation went hand in hand. Particular attention was paid to the production of the dry blend, because formulating accuracy and immaculate quality are essential for manufacturing high-grade film. Dieter Martin, Axel Stehr Over the years, a two-step process has proved ideal for the production of rigid PVC packaging film. I...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Modelling of Part Properties: Physical Foaming for Cost-effective Injection Moulding
Modelling of Part Properties: Physical Foaming for Cost-effective Injection Moulding The rigorous application of composite principles provides reliable physical data about microcellular materials produced by the MuCell process. This procedure allows the user to really exploit the cost advantages of this technology. Otto Schönherr In recent years, there have been a range of papers on the MuCell process. This work demonstrates that the injection moulding technology licensed by Trexel makes a...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Modified Polyphenylene Ether (PPE)
Modified Polyphenylene Ether (PPE) Henk Perree, Bergen op Zoom/Netherlands Blends based on polyphenylene ether (PPE) combine the properties of plastics such as polypropylene, polystyrene and polyamide with the familiar high heat resistance, high dimensional stability and good hydrolysis resistance of PPE. Applications are to be found primarily in the automotive sector. Modified PPE blends are well known for their high heat resistance, high dimensional stability, very low water absorption a...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Modified Polyphenylene Ethers (PPE)
Modified Polyphenylene Ethers (PPE) Jos van Gisbergen and Wim Minderhout, Bergen op Zoom/Netherlands Modified PPE materials have been on the market for more than 35 years and are well established among engineering plastics. PPE polymer is well known for its high heat resistance, high dimensional stability, low water absorption and good hydrolytic stability. For these reasons, PPE is an important blending partner for other polymers. Polyphenylene ether - also known as polyphenylene oxide (P...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, More Light
More Light Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH in Biedenkopf If they are to become properly established in niche markets, plastics processing enterprises must not be afraid of unusual and demanding production processes. That it can be worth concentrating on intelligent speciality products away from oversaturated markets is illustrated by the example of Elkamet, a manufacturer of lighting globes, extruded profiles for engineering applications and tanks for vehicle applications. Back in 1954, a c...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, More Throughput with Less Wear
More Throughput with Less Wear New PVC Pipe Extruders for High Filler Contents Hans-Peter Schneider, Munich/Germany A new generation of twin-screw extruders for highly filled PVC pipe offers improved process technology and economic advantages. The series is characterised by a large processing window and better wear behaviour. Manufacturers of PVC-U pipe are subject to continually increasing cost pressures. Therefore, the highly competitive pipe market has for some time been reducing formulation ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Morphology and Mechanical Properties: Blends of Polyamide 66 and Syndiotactic Polystyrene
Blends Blends of Polyamide 66 and Syndiotactic Polystyrene Morphology and Mechanical Properties. Blends of polyamide 66 and syndiotactic polystyrene only display enhanced mechanical properties if good compatibility exists between the two materials and an optimum morphology can be achieved. Different compositions of these blends were investigated in a study employing a compatibility enhancer. Materials of this type are attractive for the production of automotive components that are exposed to hi...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Motor Vehicle Interiors
Motor Vehicle Interiors Ideas, Concepts, Materials Johannes Seesing, Odenthal/Germany “The Fascination of Cars” – that was the motto of the 59th International Automobile Exhibition (IAA) held last year in Frankfurt. Aside from the latest range of manufacturers’ vehicles, there were again numerous design studies on display for the vehicles of the future. However, not only were complete cars exhibited, but suppliers also presented interesting interior studies showing trend-setting approaches...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Natural Thermosets
Natural Thermosets Biologically Degradable Plastics made of Gelatine and Natural Fibres Dietrich Braun, Darmstadt/Germany, and Axel Braun, Kassel/Germany For the first time natural thermosetting polymers can be made from gelatine-linseed oil blends. As composite materials with natural fibres they can compete in their mechanical characteristics with conventional thermosetting polymers and are problem-free biologically degradable. Biologically degradable plastics [1, 2] are of increasing i...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, New Developments and Trends: Functional Fillers
Trend Report Fillers Functional Fillers New Developments and Trends. Fillers are acquiring increasing importance as key constituents of plastics. On the one hand, they generally make it possible to achieve an excellent price-performance ratio and, on the other, it is only through the addition of functional fillers that standard plastics can be used in technical applications. Walter Hohenberger Plastics are versatile and generally low-cost materials with a unique combination of processing and ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, New Material with Potential: Cycloolefin Copolymer (COC)
Special: World Market Cycloolefin Copolymer (COC) New Material with Potential. After several years of intense market development outside their primary market of Japan, cycloolefins have gained a firm market foothold in Europe and North America. Because of its unique properties, the relatively new material has found numerous applications in the medical, optical and packaging market segments. New products, higher quality and more attractive prices continue to fuel growth. In the field between ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, No Need for Painting?
No Need for Painting? Weathering Resistant Film for Automotive Body Panels A weathering resistant film is claimed to make painting of automotive body panels unnecessary. According to the manufacturers, it has the necessary surface quality for automotive body panels. A weathering resistant, pigmented polycarbonate film, consisting of a polyester carbonate based on resorcinol arylate, (grade: Sollx, manufacturer: GE Plastics) can be applied to a wide variety of thermoplastics by in-mould dec...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, PBT Compounds
PBT Compounds Michael Geprägs, Ludwigshafen/Germany For years, polybutylene terephtalate (PBT) has been experiencing above-average growth rates. The main areas of application are in automotive engineering and the electrical/electronics industry where PBT compounds are increasingly replacing metals or thermoset materials. In the year 2000, 150,000 t of PBT compounds have been processed in Western Europe alone. The material group of polyesters is becoming an increasingly important engineerin...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Pedestrian Safety
Pedestrian Safety Ideas and Concepts Hans-Peter Neuwald and Klaus-Werner Huland, Leverkusen/Germany Work is progressing at full speed on design concepts for pedestrian safety. However, it will take many years for the findings to be put into practice in standard vehicles. It is not long now until July 2005, the deadline that the automotive industry has set itself. Two examples of pedestrian safety measures are a bumper concept and a simulation method for airbag systems. Between 1970 and 2...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Planning Future Scenarios: Automotive Applications in the Distant Future
Planning Future Scenarios: Automotive Applications in the Distant Future It’s a long journey from polymer granules to automotive parts. It’s an even longer one for those whose job it is to envisage where plastics will be used in the cars of the future and which market trends providers of raw materials should follow. This is precisely the task of Bayer Polymers’ Creative Center, which has just launched its latest development for the cars of the future, called smart surface technology. Martin ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Plastic Bodies
Plastic Bodies Current Status and Trends Klaus-Erik Schmid, Sindelfingen/Germany Plastics are the materials of the future. This is particularly true for car bodies. This fact has been demonstrated by studies conducted by the major automotive manufacturers. The greater freedom of design, and the easier integration of antennas compared with steel and aluminium, and the potential for lightweight structures are increasingly important arguments for the use of plastics in these applications. T...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Plastic Bodywork: No Steel, No Paint
No Steel, No Paint Plastic Bodywork. The production of in-mould laminated film parts for vehicle exteriors covers a variety of different products and processing stages. This article surveys the materials and technologies used in back-moulding the films. Achim Grefenstein Kaan Kaymak High-gloss film has been used since the mid-1990s for pillar trim, bodyside mouldings, exterior mirrors, roof drip mouldings, wheel covers, door sills and radiator grilles [1]. Prominent examples of this in Europe...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Plastics al dente
Plastics al dente The Italian Plastics Industry at PLAST 2000 Many Italian companies place great hopes in PLAST 2000. They expect demand to rise after the fair and look forward to a good 2000. Here is a look beyond the Alps at what is new in the Italian plastics industry. PLAST 2000 ushers in the new "Plastics Millennium", according to the advertising by the fair's organisers. From May 8 to 13, the industry is meeting for the first major show in Europe. Over 1300 exhibitors fro...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polycarbonate (PC)
Polycarbonate (PC) Hans-Joachim Laue and Hartmut Loewer, Leverkusen/Germany Engineering thermoplastics have a 7 % share in the global plastics market which grew to approximately 170 million tonnes in 2000. Within this segment which has a volume of 12 million tonnes, polycarbonate has a share of approximately 1.5 million tonnes and hence ranges second behind ABS, ASA but before PA 6 and PA 66. Moreover, there is a market for PC in blends with ABS and other thermoplastic materials with a volum...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polycarbonate (PC)
Polycarbonate (PC) Hans-Joachim Laue and Hartmut Loewer, Leverkusen/Germany The consumption of polycarbonate has enjoyed continuous, above-average growth since the “invention” of this material nearly 50 years ago, attributable in no small part to the discovery of an ever-increasing number of applications for it. This development will continue, so that, after a brief period of stagnation due to the sluggish economy, demand is likely to pick up again in 2002. For the majority of its varied a...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polycarbonate: Flat Screen TVs with Luminescent Aura
Electrical Engineering Flat Screen TVs with Luminescent Aura Polycarbonate. The housing design of the new flat screen plasma TV by Philips with its innovative environmental lighting creates a relaxing atmosphere. Thus, a transparent medium frame made of polycarbonate is integrated between back housing and front cover. The lighting effects are transmitted to the outside via this frame. The new 42" flat screen plasma TV by Philips not only offers razor-sharp images that allow viewers to be ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polyethylene (PE-LD, PE-LLD)
Polyethylene (PE-LD, PE-LLD) Inken Beulich and Mike Cook, Horgen/Switzerland The family of low density polyethylene resins (PE-LD) includes both homopolymers and copolymers produced by the high-pressure process (PE-LD) as well as linear copolymers (PE-LLD) which are polymerised at low pressures. While the consumption of PE-LD shows only a moderate growth-rate of 1 to 2 % p. a., the linear product family continues to enjoy growth rates of more than 10 % p. a. The original polyethylene, high...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polypropylene Films: Versatile Packaging Solutions
...8 2 Galli, P.; Vecellio, G;: Polyolefins: The Most Promising Large-Volume Materials for the 21st Century. J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym.Chem. 42 (2004), pp. 396–415 3 Reichelt, N.; Stadlbauer, M.; Folland, R.; Park, Ch. B.; Wang, J.: PP-Blends with Tailored Foamability and Mechanical Properties. Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes 2003, pp. 161–169 4 Gahleitner, M.; Wolfschwenger, J.; Fiebig, J.; Dobianer, K.; Hametner, C.: Sterilisation Effects on Polypropylene: Technology and Polymer Type Effects....
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Josef Ertl and Ralph Ottlinger, Ismaning/Germany As petroleum prices start to show an upward trend, PVC is becoming attractive again. This is because it consumes half as much crude oil as polyethylene. The other half comes from the sheer inexhaustible reserves of rock salt. The controversy over the ecological consequences of PVC has become more objective. Health concerns about PVC additives such as plasticisers or stabilizers have been scientifically allayed. The curre...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, PP/PS Blends: Improved Compatibility
Additives Improved Compatibility PP/PS Blends. Nano additives permit the manufacture of blends from polymers that were hitherto incompatible. A new PP/PS blend, for example, features excellent stability during processing thanks to the addition of specially processed nanoclays. Such blends have already proved themselves in the manufacture of moulded parts for vehicle interior fittings and trim. Joachim Großmann Peter Putsch The market for blends produced from a variety of polymers has been man...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Process Comparison: Injection Moulding of Long-glassfibre-reinforced PP
Process Comparison: Injection Moulding of Long-glassfibre-reinforced PP Long-glassfibre-reinforced polypropylene parts are usually made by injection moulding long glassfibre granules. A new one-step process makes it possible to compound PP and glassfibres together for direct manufacture as injection-moulded parts. Which of the two methods is better suited to a particular production task depends on the vagaries of parts production. Erwin Bürkle, Matthias Sieverding, Jochen Mitzler In automo...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Putting a Stop to Cracks
Putting a Stop to Cracks Cavities Increase Impact Strength of PC Christoph Barth, Andrzej K. Bledzki, Kassel/Germany The engineering plastic of polycarbonate (PC) offers attractive electrical, optical and mechanical properties, but its inadequate low-temperature impact strength poses problems, among other things. The toughness of polycarbonate can be considerably enhanced by means of a specially-generated microvoid morphology. The impact strength of a material can be raised either by inc...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, PVC Processing: The Historical Development of the Counter-rotating Twin-screw Extruder
Special The Historical Development of the Counter-rotating Twin-screw Extruder Hans-Peter Schneider PVC Processing. Counter-rotating, closely intermeshing twin-screw extruders are primarily used nowadays for the production of pipes, profiles and sheet of unplasticised PVC. This article traces the evolution of this machine technology from its origins down to the present. In pipe and profile extrusion, conical twin-screw extruders are primarily used in the lower to medium performance range as p...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Quality Assurance: Comparison of Thermal Stability Measurement Processes for PVC
Quality Assurance: Comparison of Thermal Stability Measurement Processes for PVC Thermal stability is one of the most important criteria for the processing and application of PVC. There are four different methods used to measure it. An interlaboratory test was carried out to compare different test equipment and their precision using systematically determined data. A simple method of determining the thermal stability of polyvinylchloride (PVC) is to measure the amount of hydrogen chloride evo...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Quality Assurance: Residence-time Measurements and Detection of Melt Heterogeneities
Quality Assurance: Residence-time Measurements and Detection of Melt Heterogeneities A multi-channel ultrasonic measuring system was used to study the homogenisation of polymer blends. It was demonstrated that this method is suitable for analysing the condition of the melt along the extruder screw. Ingo Alig, Dirk Lellinger, Kai Wassum Consistent melt quality is vital for optimum extrusion. This calls not only for appropriate design features, but also for the capability to detect and proce...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Requirements and Markets: Polymeric Flame Retardants
Additives Polymeric Flame Retardants Requirements and Markets. Reactive and polymeric brominated flame retardants offer many advantages over conventional systems, as they themselves are polymers or become part of the polymer. They do not bleed, provide highly effective fire retardancy, are heat-resistant and easy to process. They are gaining increasing market shares in polyurethane foams and engineering plastics. Rudi Borms Pierre Georlette The market for brominated flame retardants has suffer...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Roof Systems: A Concept Suitably-tailored to Plastics
Exterior Parts A Concept Suitably-tailored to Plastics Roof Systems. smart is making increasing use of plastics in its cars, thus the entire outer body panelling is made of this material. The concept behind smart vehicles is also ideally suited to the use of different roof variants. The technology behind the three available roof designs is set out taking the example of the current smart forfour. Detlev Penczek A consistent modular design is one of the technological hallmarks of all smart cars, ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Simulation right through to Failure
Simulation right through to Failure Crash Simulations with Plastic/Metal Hybrid Parts Frank Lutter, Michael Münker and Martin Wanders, Leverkusen/Germany Structural parts for the automotive sector are being increasingly produced by hybrid technology. Newly-developed computation methods developed specially for crash simulation assist the design engineer with part design. Crash simulations provide a means of assessing the deformation behaviour, load-bearing behaviour and energy absorption ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Sports Equipment: Plastics at all Events
Sports and Leisure Plastics at all Events Sports Equipment. Of course, the ball is still round – but is it still made of leather? No, and it has not been for a long time. Basically, all sports equipment nowadays is made of high-tech materials – plastics. And polymers sometimes almost have to perform miracles if they are to help the athletes to victory. Putting together an ingenious combination of suitable plastic types is the well-guarded secret of all sports equipment manufacturers. Kristin...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Strong Upturn: Polycarbonate (PC)
Trend Report: Engineering Plastics Polycarbonate (PC) Strong Upturn. Following a period of subdued growth from 2001 to 2003, during which prices dropped dramatically, the global market for polycarbonate has been growing strongly since mid-2004. Thus, consumption is outstripping growth in capacity. Polycarbonate blends and film are becoming increasingly important, especially in the IT and automotive sectors. In 2004, some 15 million t of engineering thermoplastics were consumed worldwide. Arou...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Structural Change: Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN and their Relatives)
Special: World Market Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN and their Relatives) Structural Change. Worldwide ABS consumption is still characterised by above average growth rates. Nevertheless, the European ABS market is undergoing profound structural changes. The pressure from Asian producers is causing increasing separation into two fields of styrene copolymers: Constant-quality commodities that have to compete against one another on a price-driven market, and specialties that obey different law...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN)
Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN) Harald Läsche and Rainier van Roessel, Leverkusen/Germany Styrene copolymer consumption has risen modestly but steadily in recent years. No end to the trend is in sight. Various interesting product innovations, especially from the field of styrene copolymer blends might provide substitutes for other polymers in future. "Oldies but goldies" is how one could describe styrene copolymers. In the over 40 years they have been on the market, they have pr...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN)
Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN) Andreas Chrisochoou and Daniel Dufour, Leverkusen/Germany Even though sales expectations received a setback in 2001 after the record year of 2000, the long-term upward trend is continuing unabated: After more than four decades on the market, styrene copolymers are still on course for growth – thanks to ever more refined formulations and processing methods that are constantly opening up new applications. Over the years, styrene copolymers have grown into a...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Styrene Copolymers: Both Tough and Transparent
Packaging Both Tough and Transparent Styrene Copolymers. Interest in transparent materials is growing and demand for crystal-clear, brilliant products is exceptionally high. An important application segment for these materials is food packaging. Styrene-butadiene (SBS) block copolymers have been established in this market for 20 years. Nevertheless, they still have potential for innovation and can be continually improved. Daniel Wagner A combination of high transparency and brilliance with goo...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Styrene Polymers
Styrene Polymers Material Class with Wide Application Norbert Nießner, Ulrike Breiner and Achim Grefenstein, Ludwigshafen/Germany Styrene copolymers are an interesting and versatile product class used to produce high-quality components for automotive engineering, the electrical industry, the sports and leisure sector and packaging. In addition to commodities such as standard and impact polystyrene, highly transparent, high-impact materials can be obtained by anionic polymerisation. Through its p...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Substitution of Metal Components in Microscopes: Plastics in High-precision Applications
Substitution of Metal Components in Microscopes: Plastics in High-precision Applications In cooperation with a project partner, a manufacturer of high-quality microscopes has, for the first time, designed several opto-mechanical sub-assemblies in plastic. The injection moulded components have the same properties as regards precision and resistance to wear as high-precision metal parts which are both complex and expensive to manufacture. Jörg Saathoff To date, opto-mechanical sub-assemblies...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Surface Pretreatment
Surface Pretreatment Activation by Fluorination Simone Fischer, Lauterbach/Germany Whether for bonding, coating, flocking or painting - a well activated surface is essential. Gas-phase fluorination meets almost all surface finishing requirements because of its high process reliability and independence from part geometry. To improve their tactile characteristics and appearance, plastics components are often painted, laminated or flocked. Since the plastics used frequently have a very low ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Sustainable Marketing
Sustainable Marketing How a Biodegradable Polyester Meets The Criteria for Sustainable Business Dirk Stärke and Gabriel Skupin, Ludwigshafen/Germany A biodegradable copolyester has similar properties to PE-LD and can therefore be processed to form films for packaging applications. It meets the strict criteria and requirements made on biodegradable materials and guidelines for compost quality and phytotoxicity. Since 1998, BASF has been marketing a biodegradable aliphatic/aromatic copolyester (gr...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Synergy Creates New Technology
Synergy Creates New Technology Plastic Carbody Parts are on the Advance The range of technical features and the level of comfort in car interiors have risen considerably in recent years, not least through the use of innovative plastic trim and cladding components. The use of plastics has also increased for exterior body parts. An innovative example of this can be seen at K 2001. Despite the mounting use of plastics for exterior car parts in the recent past, it is really still too early to talk ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Tailor-made Properties: Modification of Polyamides
Engineering Plastics Modification of Polyamides Tailor-made Properties. With new long-chain dicarboxylic acids, it is possible to specifically influence the process temperatures, process cycles and mechanical and chemical properties of polyamides. They can also exert an effect on the appearance of these engineering plastics. Thorsten Roloff Ulrich Nagorny Ulrike Erkens The properties of engineering plastics can be customised through the selective synthesis of polymer building blocks. In this...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Tailored EPDM
Tailored EPDM Selectively Controlled Properties with Metallocene Catalysts Wolfgang Steinhoff, Bad Homburg/Germany, and Robert S. Snyder, Wilmington, Delaware/USA Metallocene catalysts allow different comonomers and dienes to be incorporated into EPDM during polymerisation. This allows the rapid development of tailored products with improved properties, better processability and an even broader range of applications than was hitherto possible with EPDM products. With the introduction of ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, The Crucial Question in Fire Protection
The Crucial Question in Fire Protection Flame-retardant Thermoplastics – Product Strategy and Development François de Bie, Bergen op Zoom/Netherlands What is your stance on polybromine? The use of flame-retardant plastics in electrical engineering and electronics (E&E) is frequently a compromise between economics and technical feasibility. This article outlines the topic from the point of view of a raw material producer and describes modern solutions. The choice between halogenate...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE)
Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) Thomas Werner, Geneva/Switzerland, and Michael Fehlings, Bad Homburg/Germany Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs ) have similar performance properties to elastomers but can be processed in the same way as thermoplastics. It is precisely this ease of processing that is prompting an increasing number of users to successfully replace crosslinked elastomers and flexible PVC with TPE. The TPE market is thus set to grow further over the years to come. Thermoplastic elas...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Thermoplastic Films: Car Body Parts With and Without a Paint System
Exterior parts Car Body Parts With and Without a Paint System Thermoplastic Films. The range of thermoplastic films suitable for use as a substitute for paint systems for car exteriors has grown consistently since the development started, depending on the particular part and specifications. Various concepts have been verified or are being further refined. Other concepts, especially involving coatable films, are under development. Johann Kappacher Andreas Höllebauer Lukas Schwaighofer The films ...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Two-component Injection Moulding: New Hard-soft Combinations of POM and TPU
New Hard-soft Combinations of POM and TPU Two-component Injection Moulding. New hard-soft combinations of POM and TPU (TPE) are being produced by injection moulding. For this application, POM (Hostaform) copolymer grades with different impact modification and TPU (Elastollan) grades with varying degrees of hardness are being combined. The bond strengths of the different hard-soft combinations, as determined in a standardised tensile test, are evaluated and discussed. The results are compared wi...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Welding Thermoplastic Elastomers
Welding Thermoplastic Elastomers Christian Bonten, Ernst Schmachtenberg and Carsten Tüchert, Essen/Germany Basically, parts made of thermoplastic elastomers are weldable. However, so far it is not clear what occurs in the inside of a welding seam of thermoplastic elastomer. This is being examined systematically in the context of a research project at IK2. Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) are still a quite young group of materials that combine the advantages of thermoplastics and elastomers. O...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Wide Area of Applications: Upward Trend for Thermoplastic Polyurethanes
Wide Area of Applications: Upward Trend for Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) has been used for the production of highly load-resistant functional and safety components in the automotive industry. An expanding range of properties and changing consumer requirements have been opening up new areas of application. Jürgen Hättig, Wolfgang Drube Since their initial industrial production in the sixties, TPU has undergone changes throughout several generations of automot...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Wide Range of Applications: Styrene Copolymers
Trend Report: Commodity Plastics Styrene Copolymers Wide Range of Applications. As a classic among plastic resins, styrene copolymers offer a wide range of applications. At the same time, however, the rules associated with mature market apply to materials based on styrene and acrylonitrile. While plastics such as ABS are considered commodities, in the meantime, polymers related to ABS, e.g. ASA, MABS, ABS blends and heat-resistant ABS, follow the rules associated with specialty business. Axe...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, “It Depends on the Part”
“It Depends on the Part” Special Injection Moulding Processes in Automotive Engineering Helmut Potente, Hans-Peter Heim, Helmut Ridder and Elmar Kaiser, Paderborn/Germany A bewildering array of special injection moulding processes has become available. This article draws on practical examples to illustrate the range of processes currently used in automotive engineering. New applications will become possible through the appropriate combination of established process variants. The automoti...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-30, Plug-in Connectors: Selectively Metallisable Polymer Compounds
Compounds Selectively Metallisable Polymer Compounds Plug-in Connectors. In the field of injection-moulded interconnect devices, the demand for polymer compounds with the property of selective metallisation is increasing all the time. What is wanted are material combinations with differing metallisation behaviour. This essentially means that, using an electroless metallisation process, metal is deposited with good adhesion on one plastic component but not on the other. Susanne Michler Helmut...
Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-30, PTFE Multicomponent Compounds: A Material for Hard and Soft
Compounds A Material for Hard and Soft PTFE Multicomponent Compounds. Like auto makers, machine manufacturers are extending maintenance intervals as a means of cutting the life-cycle costs of their products. Through the continuous development of new fluoro polymer componds, sealants producers are gaining access to increasingly powerful materials. Thus, PTFE-bronze-carbon fibre systems combine such seemingly opposed properties as deformation resistance and low coefficient of friction. Erik Pe...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-02-21, Polyamide and ABS: Two Unlike Brothers Unite
Interior. Two Unlike Brothers Unite. Polyamide and ABS. The use of (PA+ABS) blend as a structural component in car interiors is a useful alternative to established materials and is also of interest from the cost point of view. Not only can this material satisfy the stringent technical specifications and the requirements on design variation, it can also help to significantly reduce system costs. Stefan Grutke. Most plastics are incompatible with each other. If two such plastics are blended toget...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-04-21, Processing Aid: It’s All a Matter of Flow
Additives. It’s All a Matter of Flow. Processing Aid. With CBT as an additive, processing of compounds is more efficient and simpler, thanks to the lower viscosity of the material. Because of its good compatibility with most engineering resins, the properties of compounded commodity resins can be improved and demanding special applications can also be realized. Martin Rösch. Cyclic butylene terephthalates (CBT) are thermoplastic precursors from which custom-tailored thermoplastics can be produce...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-05-23, Phyllosilicates: Targeted Modification of Properties
Special. Targeted Modification of Properties. Phyllosilicates. Unusually high thermal stability of compounds results from a combination of (polyamide+polypropylene) blends with organically modified phyllosilicates (organoclays) obtained via the extrusion process. The observed effects can be traced to a nanoparticulate distribution of the phyllosilicates and their orientation at the phase boundary between the polyamide and polypropylene. Stefan Reinemann et.al. Reports on the development of poly...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-06-29, Application Study: PVC Becoming Even "Hotter"
Polymer Blends. PVC Becoming Even "Hotter". Axel Gottschalk et al. Application Study. The comparatively low heat resistance of polyvinyl chloride greatly restricts the use of this cost-effective plastic in fields in which it is exposed under mechanical load to relatively high temperatures. This property, however, can be raised at low cost and without difficulty to technically interesting levels in blends with α-methylstyrene-acrylonitrile copolymers (AMSAN). A systematic study show...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-07-04, Automotive Engineering: High Soft-touch Quality in One Single Process
Injection Moulding. High Soft-touch Quality in One Single Process. Automotive Engineering. Four well-known companies have jointly reduced the multi-stage process for the production of soft-touch car interior components to a combined single-stage process (“Dolphin”) utilising injection moulding and foam moulding. One of the future-oriented projects to be presented at the Engel Symposium in the middle of May was undertaken jointly by four companies: - the raw material manufacturers BASF, Ludwigs...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-07-31, Strain Hardening: Improved Extrusion of Fluorothermoplastics
Testing. Improved Extrusion of Fluorothermoplastics. Daniel Möller, Helmut Münstedt, Harald Kaspar. Strain Hardening. As with general-purpose plastics, development trends in fluorothermoplastics are aimed at the continuous optimisation of extrusion properties. While improvements in melt processing due to a substantial broadening of the molecular mass distribution are state-of-the-art for fluoropolymers too, the introduction of long-chain branches is opening up a new approach to property optimis...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-09-05, Viscosity Measurement: Material Characterisation in Powder Injection Moulding
Injection Moulding. Material Characterisation in Powder Injection Moulding. Christian Gornik Viscosity Measurement. Large quantities of complex metal or ceramic components can be produced by powder injection moulding in a cost-efficient way. The manufacturing method and the composition of the so-called feedstock often lead to variations in process stability and part quality. Two methods prove suited to characterise the feedstock's properties of flow and thus the mixture's homogeneity....
Kunststoffe international, 2006-09-08, Natural-fibre-reinforced Plastics: Considerable Potential for Improvement
Additives Natural-fibre-reinforced Plastics. At the Global Wood and Natural Fibre Composites Symposium held by the Institut für Werkstofftechnik at the University of Kassel, experts took stock of the present state of development of natural-fibre-reinforced plastics. In their favour, these reinforcing materials offer eco-friendliness, low cost and light weight. There are problems to solve in terms of their characteristic odour and property and design limitations. Considerable Potential for Impr...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-09-26, Material Handling: Basis of Product Quality
Processing Pre-stage. Material Handling as a Basis of Product Quality. Johannes Wortberg, Marcel Großmann. Material Handling. In recent years, economic development has compelled some plastics processors to re-consider and re-evaluate the peripheral equipment of material supply and preparation. Integration of all surroundings into the automated production process as well as higher flexibility have already been accomplished in many plastics processing factories. When it comes to stepping up e...
Kunststoffe international, 2006-11-24, Direct Addition: Calcium Carbonate – Joker When Extruding PVC
Extrusion. Calcium Carbonate – Joker When Extruding PVC. Holger Müller. Direct Addition. Usually, PVC and additives are processed in a hot/cool mixer to yield a dry blend that is then conveyed pneumatically to silos for intermediate storage. In the course of this operation, the PVC and calcium carbonate can separate when the loading is high. With the Direct Addition approach, the calcium carbonate is added to the PVC-U dry blend by a cold mixer immediately prior to entry into the extruder. T...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-03-15, Complex and Stable
Complex and Stable Seat Backs The new Audi TT Coupé is the first car to feature seat backs made of blow moulded (PC+ABS) blend. The specially developed construction complies with the design set by Audi. At the same time it withstands increased forces in the case of luggage impact as well as a metal construction. Pádraig Naughton, Gerhard Slik, Jeroen Van Poucke The combination of the right plastic, the right process and innovative design has resulted in the development of a new generation ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-03-15, More Lightweight Construction for the BMW 3 Series Coupé and Convertible Models
More Lightweight Construction for the BMW 3 Series Coupé and Convertible Models Side Panel The lightweight design soon to be launched on the market for the BMW 3 series coupé and convertible models can be economically implemented by means of a thermoplastic side panel. A specially developed (PA+ABS) blend makes this possible. Due to its adaptable properties this blend creates the preconditions for online painting of the side panel on the body in the BMW assembly process. Jürgen Korzonnek, Ro...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-03-15, Partnership on Equal Terms
Partnership on Equal Terms Material Handling When designing a new concept for central material handling in an injection moulding facility, attention was devoted, above all, to process optimisation and increased product quality. A complete package for supplying material to 26 injection moulding machines at a rate of 2300kg/h was installed at an automotive supplier. Timo Achtmann Several production areas employing different production processes are located at the Bielefeld facility of Möller...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-03-15, Promoting Innovations with a Focus
Promoting Innovations with a Focus Business Development From materials supplier to project and development partner – to convey this message, Bayer MaterialScience AG invited a select group of journalists to the new technical communications centre (TechniKomm) and demonstration facility. Short presentations were held on important development projects from the automotive, medical and electrical/electronic fields. Demonstrations under near-production conditions underscored the high standards set ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-04-17, Mechanical Engineering Tracking Materials Development
Mechanical Engineering Tracking Materials Development New PVC Grades The demand for improved properties and lower costs is exerting a growing influence on the development of extruded construction products. The increasing use of PVC grades from new suppliers poses a challenge to processors and machine makers. Higher filler loads, expanded products and wood-plastic compounds are being mooted. Walter Häder The construction industry, especially, has experienced ever rising costs in recent year...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-05-14, Big Opportunity for the Plastics Industry
Big Opportunity for the Plastics Industry Photovoltaics Throughout the world photovoltaics is booming. Growth rates have usually been two-digit over recent years. Plastics enterprises also profit from this, since a solar panel is not only made of silicon. It rather employs a variety of materials for backsheets, frontsheets, encapsulations and junction boxes. This seminal sector thus provides excellent chances of growth, also for the plastics sector. Hilde Roekens, Axel Beyer By the end of ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-05-14, Customised Property Combinations
Customised Property Combinations Polypropylene Films Air-quenched blown film was solely a domain of polyethylene until a few years ago. With the polypropylene grades that have since been introduced into this area of processing technology, the application and property spectrum of films produced by this method has considerably widened. New product developments in the area of random and heterophase copolymers are taking account of this trend and permitting economic solutions in the packaging sec...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-05-14, Improving the Flame-Resistance of Extruded Profiles
Improving the Flame-Resistance of Extruded Profiles Nanoparticles The controlled use of nanoparticles in halogen-free flame-retardant polypropylene formulations has achieved a huge reduction in smoke density. The observed effects can be attributed to the formation of protective carbon layers that it is difficult for oxidising gases to penetrate. The manufactured polypropylene compounds provide an attractive alternative to halogen-free flame-retardant (PC/ABS) blends and compounds. Udo Steffl,...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-06-18, Compatibility of Polylactic Acid with MaterBi
Compatibility of Polylactic Acid with MaterBi Bioblends As oil prices rise and problems with CO2 grow, bioplastics are moving increasingly into the focus of users. Particularly, blends based on various organic materials are playing an increasingly important role in meeting the required performance properties. A comprehensive study was made of the influence of the compatibility of the materials on the properties and processing of such bioblends. Andreas Marek Albert Otten Plastics based on ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-06-18, Dynamic Temperature Measurement as a Prophylactic Against Rejects
Dynamic Temperature Measurement as a Prophylactic Against Rejects Hot-Runner Balancing The capabilities of modern sensors, together with smart system technology, open up new possibilities for meeting the requirements made on the injection moulding process. Cavity-temperature-based closed-loop control systems respond in real time to natural fluctuations in the process. As they improve part quality in this way and demonstrably reduce reject quotas, the use of such systems also pays off economica...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-07-18, Potential for Increased Performance
Potential for Increased Performance Customized Materials Different blends or compounds based on polypropylene can have the property potential of engineering plastics. Newly developed blend families were suitably modified to improve their wear behavior and impact strength. Roman Reder In the polyolefins sector, compounds or blends can be produced as customized materials by mixing with fillers, additives or other polymers. These can offer higher performance than the matrix polymer. On the bas...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-08-14, Focus on the Environment
Focus on the Environment Pre-K Event In early June, a number of material manufacturers held a press event in Belgium to show their latest achievements and present the results they have achieved and future goals. Common to all companies was a striving for sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions and materials. The plastics industry is currently surpassing itself with good reports and new record results. Financial year 2006, in particular, exceeded all expectations. However, a dark...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-08-14, Goal: Quicker Return on Investment
"Goal: Quicker Return on Investment" Lanxess After conducting a successful restructuring and implementing a global approach, Lanxess intends to invest more heavily in research and development of products that are close to the market. The focus is on future technologies and future markets with a potential for growth that promises a quick return on investment. With this strategy, the company hopes to generate further growth and close the gap with the competition. Lanxess intends to inc...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Energy Efficiency Taking on Increasing Importance
Energy Efficiency Taking on Increasing Importance Engineering Plastics (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) The innovations in engineering plastics for K 2007 are to be found primarily in areas of particular importance for these plastics, including the automotive sector, industry and medical technology. It is in these sectors that the performance potential of these plastics can be exploited to the full. The challenges for these materials lie in component applications that have so far been based on...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Face Lifts for Molded Parts
Face Lifts for Molded Parts Attractive Surfaces (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) A very large number of processes and types of equipment are needed to manufacture the current wide variety of polymer products, amongst which those for follow on and corrective processing have a very important place. In many cases the surface has to be post-processed and embellished or the polymer parts brought into the correct shape. A tour through the exhibition program. Even though the machinery sector is pro...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Flexible with High Loadbearing Capacity
Flexible with High Loadbearing Capacity Elastomers (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Thermoplastic elastomers and technical elastomers are used mainly for special applications in automotive engineering, the sports and leisure sector or the chemical industry. Depending on their chemical structure, they provide cushioning and high-performance properties. In many cases, high safety or the required comfort can only be achieved by using these materials. At K2007, individual manufacturers will provid...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, For High-End Applications
For High-End Applications High-performance Plastics (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Manufacturers of high-performance plastics are constantly searching for new applications that will justify the high price of their materials. At the same time, tailoring materials to a specific high-end application by blending or compounding aids cost efficiency. There is also a demand for low-cost processing. Faster, higher, further – the motto for competitive sports could also serve as a slogan for the hig...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Prior to Film Extrusion
Prior to Film Extrusion Mixing/Conveying/Metering Equipment manufacturers in the field of materials handling must cover a wide range, which includes storage, conveying, and drying, as well as batching and blending technology. This requires in-depth knowledge of the relevant properties, such as the behavior of bulk materials and their drying parameters. Guido Michael The tasks of packaging are manifold. For example, apart from providing an appealing product presentation, the packaged good...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, PUre Evolution?
PUre Evolution? Reaction Technology (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) At this year’s K trade fair, the major companies of the PU sector are going to present a lot of small, but fine innovations to their customers. In nearly all areas, engineering boosted, thus improving the performance of many products. This has significantly enhanced benefits for the users, and the efficiencies of PU processes. From the harbingers of this year’s K trade fair, at least, one can see no signs of a revolution in...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Rare Earth Metal Stabilizers: Appearance and Reality
Rare Earth Metal Stabilizers: Appearance and Reality PVC Stabilizers For some years now, samples of PVC stabilizers based on rare earth metals and their compounds have been turning up in Europe. They are being talked of as heavy-metal-free alternatives to the European systems based on calcium-zinc or organic substances. This article aims to present a realistic picture of rare earth metal stabilizers to set against the advantages that are often claimed for them as a result of inadequate infor...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Shuttling the Mold
Shuttling the Mold Rotational Molding (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) The rotational technology provides for a lot of subtle refinements in the production of complex hollow bodies. With this technology, the user can produce undercuts or thick component walls easily. The process is also suited for large quantities, today. In order to make the process of rotational molding more transparent for the user, Polivinil Rotomachinery S.p.A., subsidiary company of Rotomachinery Group in Cerano, Italy...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-09-19, Two-Station Mold for Injection Molding and Foaming
Two-Station Mold for Injection Molding and Foaming Dolphin Process A single-stage combined injection molding and foaming process permits economical production of soft-touch interior automotive components. Hereby, the two-component rotary mold plays a decisive role for reliable manufacturing. One particular feature is a spring-loaded shoulder that can move several millimeters. It ensures that the cavity remains sealed during the opening movement required for the foaming operation. Georg Kau...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Polyaryletherketones (PAEK)
Polyaryletherketones (PAEK) Increasing Demand (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Worldwide demand for PAEK continues to increase at an annual rate of approx. 15%. In addition to Victrex, the world’s largest producer of PAEK, two new suppliers, Degussa and Solvay, have appeared on the scene to develop additional applications. Wolfgang Reimer and Horst Sandner Back in 1981, British ICI launched two linear aromatic semi-crystalline thermoplastics, polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyetherketone (...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Polyarylsulfones (PSU, PESU, PPSU)
Polyarylsulfones (PSU, PESU, PPSU) Above-Average Growth in Consumption (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Polyarylsulfones are amorphous high-temperature (HT) plastics, a group that also includes polyetherimide (PEI). Polysulfones and PEI compete on the market in the majority of applications. With worldwide consumption currently running at 50,000t/a, amorphous HT thermoplastics may be a small product group, but they have an exceptional range of properties. Wolfgang Glenz The product group know...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) On the Advance (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), as a semi-crystalline plastic with good dimensional stability and excellent mechanical properties, has become established in many different applications in the automotive industry and electrical/electronics sector. The global market volume for PBT, including PBT blends and the PET used as an engineering polymer, passed the 900kt mark in 2006 and has grown at an above-average rate in...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Polycarbonate (PC) and Polycarbonate Blends
Polycarbonate (PC) and Polycarbonate Blends Continuing Growth (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) Thanks to robust growth, global polycarbonate production capacities were well utilized in 2006. PC consumption increased by above average rates especially in the Far East. In China alone it will rise by about 18% per annum in the next few years. PC blends and PC film are steadily taking on ever more significance, especially in the IT and automotive sectors. Klaus Horn, Hans-Joachim Laue, Uli Franz, Uw...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Styrene Copolymers (ABS, SAN, ASA, MABS)
Styrene Copolymers (ABS, SAN, ASA, MABS) Changing Markets (Trade-fair-pre-report K 2007) The market for the styrene copolymers SAN, ABS and the related resins has undergone a stormy development in recent years: ABS has finally achieved "commodity" status. The increased competition has, however, not only lead to a consolidation among suppliers, but also to product diversification. New responses to market challenges have also been developed even among the specialty resins, which include ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-10-21, Window for the Loading Door
Window for the Loading Door Design Highlight Two plastic components, a ring on the inside and viewing glass on the outside, cover the loading door of a Miele washing machine in such a way that no assembly elements are visible – and customers almost find themselves developing a sense of appreciation for the esthetics of household appliances. The factory assembly unit, which combines all the individual parts into a single module, provides an object lesson in mastering the complexities of large-s...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-11-21, Capillary Rheometry Optimizes Injection Molding
Capillary Rheometry Optimizes Injection Molding Testing Technology Simple control of the melt flow rate that is carried out at present is not sufficient for stable and economic production. Webasto has therefore optimized the injection molding process for producing PC car roof panes via viscosity measurement by capillary rheometry. Markus Boss Thomas Wodke In the injection molding of thermoplastics, pseudoplastic flow behavior is of central importance for mold filling and the quality of the...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-11-21, Everything in a Seat
Everything in a Seat Bundled Know-how BASF is bundling its know-how in products and services and future developments concerning auto seats. It is to be made available to processors and designers in compact form. The company announced this at K2007. Like many other vehicle parts, a modern car seat must first and foremost satisfy maximum safety requirements. The desire for more is easily understandable, particularly in questions of safety. To meet demands for comfort, it is also necessary to ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-11-21, Highlights: Lightweight Construction and Bio
Highlights: Lightweight Construction and Bio VDI K Conference Automobile Manufacture 2007 New uses of plastics in future generations of automobiles aim at weight reduction. Consumption and emissions can be further reduced using light weight construction and function integration. In the field of fuel contact polymeric materials must be able to handle biofuels. In addition biopolymers will find further fields of use just for image reasons. Wolfgang Kircher The Institute for Mobility Researc...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-11-21, Outer Body Skin with an Integrated Antenna
Outer Body Skin with an Integrated Antenna Functional Integration The technological advances achieved in high-frequency technology are making radar units increasingly attractive as driver assistant systems. Using plastic film, it would be possible to position an antenna at any desired point of the vehicle body. Michael Fuchs, Andreas Kilian, Zaneta Brocka, Ernst Schmachtenberg, Lorenz-Peter Schmidt Mobility and individuality are some of society’s most important needs today, and functional...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-11-21, The "Vitreous" Car
The "Vitreous" Car Car of the Future. Being the third generation of Bayer MaterialScience’s concept cars, eXasis is aimed at demonstrating that the company’s large-series materials are also tailored to fit current trends in automotive design. In Düsseldorf, at the K 2007 plastics trade fair, too, eXasis was on display, so that interested visitors could see it. Openheartedly, "eXasis" discloses what is inside – the new concept car was designed by car visionary Frank M. Rinderkne...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-12-17, Application Optimized Materials
Application Optimized Materials Polyamides Together with complementary additives and polymers engineering plastics such as polyamides can be transformed into application optimized materials. The range of applications spans metal substitution to high quality surfaces. At the same time a reduction of the moisture level of the polyamide means that in a conditioned state improved properties can be achieved, too. Thomas Wutke, Leander Bergmann With one record high for crude oil, fuel and energy...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-12-17, More Complexity, Speed and Intelligence
More Complexity, Speed and Intelligence Part 1: Molds in Operation Injection molds are the interface and eye-of-the-needle between the product developer’s ideas and what is possible in polymers. Their current level of achievement – to name a few: combination of technologies, integration of additional tasks, speed – is impressive. Georg Krassowski Numerous approaches and examples of intelligently equipped molds reveal how much potential there is for controlling complex processes better and ...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-12-17, Still Demand for Innovation Potential
Still Demand for Innovation Potential Engineering Plastics once again demonstrated their performance potential at K 2007. As a traditional class of materials with energy-savings potential, they can show off their superiority especially in the emerging environmental and climate debate. Replacement of metals due to increased raw materials prices and energy costs is once again in the spotlight. Martin Weber Featuring prominently in Düsseldorf were innovations in engineering plastics aimed spec...
Kunststoffe international, 2007-12-17, Throughput Counts
Throughput Counts Film Extrusion The range of offerings from the manufacturers of machines for film and sheet was almost impossible to take in: there were 64 exhibitors in the area of blown film and 105 in the field of flat film and sheet extrusion. As usual the achievable output rate of the systems above all was a key topic for many plant constructors. Keywords such as high speed machines, low temperature screws as well as improved cooling and winding concepts were crucial points in discussio...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-01-15, Elastomer Industry Has Understood
Elastomer Industry Has Understood Elastomers (Trade Fair Report K 2007) The elastomer industry has become ever more heavily dependent on automotive manufacture (approx. 68 % of elastomer products are processed in this sector). Increasing raw material and energy costs associated with spiraling oil prices and growing price pressure due to cheap imports from Asia and Eastern Europe have severely shrunk margins despite continually rising sales. The European, and in particular the German, elastome...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-01-15, Small Particles – Big Effect
Small Particles – Big Effect Profile Expansion Particularly easy-flow PBT grades refined with nanoparticles have proved successful for the injection molding of filigree, complex-structured moldings and are constantly acquiring new fields of application. New variants are now rounding off this growing product family. At the same time, a similar trend is also emerging in the polyamide product group. Andreas Eipper Reinhard Stransky Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) is one of the engineering pl...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-02-17, Few New Products but Business is Booming
Few New Products but Business is Booming Flame Retardants With the exception of a handful of new developments there is little exciting to say on the subject of flame retardants. The market is growing and production capacities are being expanded since flame retardancy requirements are becoming stricter and more universal. Some phosphorous compounds are new, whilst existing flame retardant systems are being refined. The sector is however in good spirits. The continuing breakneck development of...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-02-29, EPDM and HNBR versus Summer Smog
EPDM and HNBR versus Summer Smog Elastomer Hoses for AdBlue Nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases of diesel engines can be neutralized by adding ammonia to selectively convert them to nitrogen and water. So-called SCR systems use aqueous urea solutions (AdBlue) as the NH3 source for this. To transport the solutions from the tank to the catalyst, the technology relies on chemically resistant hoses made from specialty chemicals, such as EPDM. Martin Mezger When technologically innovative solutions...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-02-29, The Right Symbiosis
The Right Symbiosis High-performance Plastics in Headlights Advanced features and more design freedom are currently the strongest trends in vehicle lighting systems. Newly developed thermoplastic grades based on PBT and PESU offer innovative solutions for the high functional and aesthetic requirements. The development of front headlights is dictated by two trends nowadays: the integration of new functions, such as cornering lights, and the use of the headlights as a design element. Front hea...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-04-14, The Correct Material Choice
The Correct Material Choice Design and Plastics With the trends towards increased miniaturization, portability, aesthetics and environmental responsibility for the design of medical equipment, the need for the correct material choice has taken on central importance. Equipment developers must carefully evaluate the available materials in order to optimize a product’s usefulness, outward appearance, durability and performance. Clare Frissora Medical equipment is developing continuously and r...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-05-10, Heat-Conducting Functional Parts Made from Plastic Wires
Heat-Conducting Functional Parts Made from Plastic Wires Fused Deposition Modeling Research work is underway to compound new, heat-conducting thermoplastic polymers for fused deposition modeling to semifinished products and to transform them from the wire form into functional parts. Bettina Wendel Robert Feulner Ernst Schmachtenberg The importance of additive processing has increased greatly in recent years. The reason for this lies primarily in the time factor required for product develop...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-06-16, Prospects for Micromechatronic Systems
Prospects for Micromechatronic Systems Molded Interconnect Devices (MID) The design freedom, the potential for rationalization and environmental compatibility of three-dimensional electronic subassemblies allow and in fact encourage the implementation of highly integrated systems. Especially in the field of plastics technology material modifications can help to overcome thermal application limits and can contribute to low-cost solutions. Klaus Feldmann Christian Goth Florian Schüssler Grow...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-06-16, RFID Transponder with 3-D Antenna
RFID Transponder with 3-D Antenna Logistics Laser Direct Structuring (LDS) is an innovative process for producing three-dimensional injection molded circuit carriers, also called Molded Interconnect Devices or MIDs. An RFID transponder with a 3-D antenna is a prime example. The innovation here: in contrast to film-based RFID labels, reading from and writing to is possible even in the vicinity of metals and liquids. Ralf Jantz RFID transponders (Radio Frequency Identification) are viewed as ...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-07-15, Natural Reinforcement
Natural-fiber-reinforced plastics are used in numerous applications, especially in the automotive industry. In the past, these components were almost exclusively compression moldings with restricted application potential due to technical boundary conditions in manufacture. Only recently has it become possible to produce injection moldable pellets based on natural-fiber-reinforced plastics. The much greater design freedom they offer in terms of part geometry opens up a very much wider field of ap...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-07-15, Unlimited Combination
Only producers who operate economically will be able to remain competitive in high-wage countries. That not only includes ongoing development of their own products and familiar production techniques, but also adopting innovative manufacturing concepts and further training of employees. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of complex applications that require a selective combination of different functionalities in one part. Standard processes are hardly able to meet these requiremen...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-08-14, Bio – Sense or Nonsense
Over the long term, renewable energy sources and biomass can replace and complement the limited amount of fossil fuels and raw materials to some degree. Against this backdrop, renewable resources will become increasingly important in the future. Per se, however, they are not necessarily good as a material to be used, just as petroleum is not necessarily bad as a material to use. The amount of oil, gas and coal on the Earth is limited, but renewable resources are not present in limitless amounts ...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-08-14, Bio – What Else?
Who in the world needs bioplastics? – Obviously not many people still ask this question! Bioplastics have become a permanent factor in the packaging industry (and other sectors), and the demand for it can no longer be satisfied. Companies such as BASF, DSM, DuPont, NatureWorks, Mitsubishi Chemicals etc. are investing heavily in the manufacture of raw biopolymers. The reasons for this unusual market situation were analyzed at the Interpack in Düsseldorf, Germany. Demand Exceeds Supply Acc...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-08-14, Consolidated Strategies
In 2007, Sabic Innovative Plastics (Sabic IP), with its more than 10,500 employees, achieved turnover of more than USD 7 billion (this is approx. EUR 4.4 billion, at present). Its range of thermoplastics and compounds, coatings, films and sheets the company sells to major sectors of industry, such as transport and communication, including automotive and aircraft industry, E&E and construction, as well as medical industry. The company recently introduced to the public its future s...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-09-23, Blends with Controllable Peel
The main plastics used in the packaging sector (Fig. 1) are low-density polyethylene (PE-LD) and linear low-density polyethylene (PE-LLD) with a 36% market share, high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) with a 20% share, polypropylene (PP) with 19% and polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene (PS) and expanded polystyrene (EPS). Through coextrusion and/or the preparation of so-called dry blends from compatible starting polymers, the ...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-09-23, Plastics, Electronics and the Environment
The growing concern about the effects of chemicals on health and the environment leads to strict regulations that influence the use and disposal of plastics used in electrical and electronic equipment. Producers and their mould builders and parts suppliers must study existing and future laws all over the world carefully. For materials subject to legal restrictions there are already alternatives. They entail further advantages, e.g. elimination of costly secondary processes. Through such innovati...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-09-23, Set for Special Applications
Eva Bittmann DuPont de Nemours Flame-retardant without Halogens Engineering thermoplastics with optimized properties form the central theme on the booth of DuPont de Nemours (Deutschland) GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany (Fig. 1). On it the halogen-free flame-retardant plastics for the electrical and electronics industries occupy pride of place. These meet the requirements of class V-0 in accordance with UL94. Zytel FR7025V0F and Zytel7026V0F are unreinforced PA66 grades having high du...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-09-23, Software Solutions also Automate
Apart from some product innovations and follow-up products in the field of robotics – the range of exhibits extends from high-speed handling to precision secondary treatment stations – the focus is on a vast array of software solutions which aid production efficiency. They should make machine and production workflows more transparent and provide pointers to opportunities for optimization. Motoman Robotec Largest Shelftype Robot in its Class Motoman robotec GmbH, Allershausen, Germa...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, DSC – More than Just Identifying Materials
Thin, flexible packaging films have something in common with thickwalled, rigid pipes and containers: They are made from polyethylene (PE). This semicrystalline thermoplastic comes in various types usually distinguished according to their density as Low Density (PE-LD), Linear Low Density (PE-LLD) and High Density (PE-HD). Above and beyond these, there are special types with higher molecular weights, e.g. Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (PEUHMW) a...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, High-Density Polyethylene (PE-HD)
Annual consumption of PE-HD in Western Europe rose by 420 kt, to 5.62 million t from 2004 to 2007 (Fig. 1). The growth rate of 2.6 p.a., on average, thus lies below the value of 3.3 % p.a. for the preceding three-year period [1], and is significantly lower than the average growth in world consumption of PE-HD. This rose by 3.6 million t from 2004 to 2007, or by 4.3 % p. a., to 30.45 million t. Imports to Western Europe during this period grew considerably – by 70 % – to 1.5...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Low-Density Polyethylene (PE-LD, PE-LLD)
Between 2004 and 2007, demand for PE-LD and PE-LLD rose by 2.7 % in Western Europe to stand at some 8 million t/a (Fig. 1). PE-LD was able to more or less maintain its market volume of around 4.4 million t/a, while demand for PE-LLD continued to grow, increasing by a further 6.9 %. This meant that, in 2007, PE-LLD had a share of 45 % in the overall volume of LD/LLD, compared with 40 % in 2004 (35 % in 2001). Regional development in PE-LLD mirrors the global trend, with growth of ...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Polyaryletherketones (PAEKs)
Apioneer in PAEK highperformance polymers, Victrex was formed in 1993 through a management buy-out from ICI. ICI had already launched two lineararomatic thermoplastics – polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polyetherketone (PEK) – in 1981. Victrex plc, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, today has production facilities in the UK and sales organizations in Europe, America, the Asia-Pacific region and Japan. Its range of over 40 products has become highly complex: various fill...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Polyarylsulfones (PSU, PESU, PPSU)
The permanent service temperature of polyarylsulfones can exceed 200°C. This class of materials thus acts as the amorphous counterpart to semicrystalline high-temperature plastics, such as LCP, PPS and PEEK. Added to which, the materials possess very good dimensional stability, which is accompanied by low creep and can be further increased by fiber reinforcement. The properties of PSU, along with PESU, which offers comparable chemical and hydrolytic resistance and is more heat resistant, and the...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
High dimensional stability, low water absorption and excellent electrical insulation behavior, high heat distortion resistance and very good long term thermal resistance are the tremendous strengths with which PBT has proved itself in many applications. Worldwide capacity for pure PBT grew by more than 100,000 metric tons between 2005 and 2007. According to estimates by Lanxess it will be more than one million tons by 2010. A large part of the PBT is processed to PBT compounds, for example it is...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Polycarbonate (PC)
In 2007, worldwide consumption of polycarbonate was about 3.15 million t (Fig. 1). Since the beginning of 2008, however, the market for PC manufactures has become somewhat cloudy. For instance, in spite of good material availability, they are facing a decrease in demand and having to deal with significant competitive pressure. At the same time, the high costs for energy as well as raw materials (benzene, phenol and acetone) are depressing margins, which has forced many PC produce...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-10-17, Styrene Copolymers (ABS, ASA, SAN, MABS)
Styrene copolymers cover a wide range of properties and have versatile applications. The most important members of this class of materials are styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer (SAN), acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS), acrylate-styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer (ASA) and methyl methacrylate-acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymers (MABS) [1, 2]. The styrene-copolymer product range is extended by incorporating further comonomers, but also by blending wi...
Kunststoffe international, 2008-11-20, Increased Requirements
Sensors, actuators, electronic control units, lock systems, fuse boxes – plastics materials are used in a growing number of electric and electronic (E+E) components for automobile applications. This is due to automobile design focusing on the two major targets of increased safety and lower emissions of CO2. As a typical example of recent E+E applications to enhance safety, one might refer to e.g. distance regulators, night view systems and aids for lane-holding and parking. The following...
Kunststoffe international, 2009-02-17, Impact Modified and Highly Filled PVC Profiles
PVC compounds for extruded window profiles have been impact-modified since the start of commercial production in the 1960s. The first products used to modify PVC formulations were ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers and chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). Later, acrylate rubber was introduced, either as core-shell copolymers in additive form or as grafted copolymers with PVC. With the commercialization of n-butylacryl-grafted polymethylmethacrylate core/shell modifiers (AIM), EVA copolymers were...
Kunststoffe international, 2009-02-17, Simply Complex
Some 15,000 tonnes of plastic compounds per year, well in excess of 100 different polymers or polymer blends, 1,000 tonnes of color and additive pellets, including special products such as compounds with biological raw materials (mainly cork granulate) or masterbatches with antimicrobial agents – those are the production benchmarks of Horst Müller Kunststoffe GmbH in Lichtenfels/Upper Franconia, Germany. The product bandwidth is not only large, but the respective production quantities are highly...
Kunststoffe international, 2009-07-16, Dental Treatment in a Comfortable Position
To ensure that dental patients can lie in a more comfortable position in future, Sirona Dental Systems GmbH, Bensheim, Germany, which claims to be the world’s leading supplier of equipment for dental surgeries, took the decision in the autumn of 2006 to revise the design of its treatment chair. The chair constitutes the central element of the “Teneo” treatment unit, which also includes an integrated endodontics and implantology function as well as a netwo rked easytouch operating interface (Titl...
Kunststoffe international, 2009-10-14, Continuous Forming
Thermoforming is an inexpensive process for producing parts from thermoplastics both for technical applications and for packaging. An important and often decisive advantage of thermoforming for the respective product is the possibility of manufacturing thin-walled parts using this process. That allows low-weight parts to be produced very rapidly and economically. This advantage is particularly relevant in packaging, but also for large-scale technical parts. Some new features and developments in ...
Kunststoffe international, 2009-10-14, For the Third Industrial Revolution
Twenty years ago, generative production techniques started to conquer design departments all over the globe in the form of rapid prototyping. Despite this, the chief problems inherent in these techniques have still not been (fully) solved. Although the inferior-quality surfaces are now of a somewhat better quality without finishing work, they still cannot be regarded as good. Changes in the material – especially on the surface – and also anisotropy are still the order of the day. The range of ma...
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